🧡Tommy #3- Like the Movie

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Fluff, kinda Angst?


"So how was school, Ness?"
I asked my 15-year-old daughter, sitting on the edge of her bed beside her.

"It was fine I guess."
She said, sounding deflated.

"Zander talk to you?"

"No. Has his head up his ass. I don't get it, Mom. One day we're fine and he's kissing me in the hallway, and the next. It's like I don't exist to him sometimes."
She rants.

"Your father was the same way."
I said, smiling remembering when me and Tommy first started out.

"I thought Dad was always a hopeless romantic?"

"He was. But I remember when we first started dating. We had just gotten into a fight...

"Tommy, how long are you going to pretend I don't exist at school?"

"I know you exist. What are you talking about?"
He asks from his spot on my bed.

"I don't know Tommy. Maybe it's just me being me."
I said, not wanting to argue.

"You gotta talk to me June."

"Maybe you should take your own advice, Tommy."
I said from my seat at my desk.

"What's up with you? Are you mad at me? Or are you being bitchy because you can?"

"That's it, Tommy. When we're at school it's like you're embarrassed to be seen with me. You give me one-word answers and avoid me around the guys. But yet you wanna kiss me in the hallway when no one's around."
I explained growing irritated with his lack of knowledge of this problem.

"Because I know how the boys will be around you. I just don't want them to be all stupid and pick on you."

"Then grow some balls and tell them to fuck off. For fucks sake Tommy, I want people to know we're together. I don't want to hide anymore."

"I'm not ready."
He said bluntly.

"You're not ready to tell people or you're not ready to be embarrassed? Because I think that's your problem."

"I'm not embarrassed by you, and I never said I was. I just don't want people to know."
He said, picking the fuzz on my blanket.

"You sure shit had no problem telling people when you started dating Heather."

"I just don't want to tell people. The fuck is so hard to understand about that?"
He snapped.

"Fine then. Get out. And when you're ready to tell people, then you can come back...

Then he left."
I told Vanessa.

"When'd he come back?"
She asks, now sitting up in bed.

"He didn't for a while. He waited a week before he tried to talk to me. But I wouldn't let him."

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