💙Izzy #4- The Bet

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Fluff-kinda?/ Friendship


We had been playing truth or dare for close to an hour. Simple questions and dares.
First time?
Dare you to jump in the pool. (It was cold as balls out.)
First kiss?
Take five shots in a row, no chasers. 

Then, well, Axl happened.

"The fuck are we, teenagers? At least make this bullshit interesting."
Axl groaned from his spot on the couch.

"Alright alright. Iz, truth or dare?"
Slash said from the opposite end of the couch.


"How many chicks have you kissed in one night?"

"Probably 3. I'd try to remember, but I was probably drunk."
He laughed, the boys joining in later.

"Alright, June. Truth or dare?"


"How many guys have you kissed, in total?" Duff asked.

"Total? I don't know, maybe five."
I said, smiling sheepishly.

"I'll make tomorrow interesting then June. If you're up for it."
Axl smirked from beside me.

"What Ax?"
I asked cautiously, not liking his tone.

"So, you hate roller coasters, right?"

I hummed chewing the inside of my cheek.

"Well, how about this. There's this huge party tomorrow. If you don't kiss five guys by the end of the night, me and Stevie here are gonna take you on the biggest and scariest roller coaster in LA."

"Axl, that's not fair,"
I whined.

"Oh, c'mon June, if Izzy can kiss three, you can handle five."
Slash said across from me.

Izzy interjected.
"I'll have you know asshole, that I am capable of kissing more than three chicks."

"Not the point Iz. The point is, we want June to go on this roller coaster."
Steven pointed out from his spot next to Axl.

"Fine. It's a bet."

"It's a bet then."
Axl said reaching for my hand.


I decided I was going to win this bet. Even if it meant I had to kiss a few guys. 
It wasn't that I was opposed to the thought, but I'm not one of those girls that have the confidence to just plop down on a dude's lap and tongue-fuck.
I'm not like that.

But, if I had to be, I could.

So, I decided to put on this black top that resembled lingerie with a leather skirt, and converse. I wasn't a heal girl either. Break my legs if I tried to walk in them. 
I did subtle makeup. Just a little eyeliner and a touch of eyeshadow. A nude lip and I was ready to go.

The guys were waiting downstairs, and we all headed out.

"So, you spotted your first victim?"
Duff asked from behind me as we walked into the party.

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