Back at Base

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Finn's POV:

It had been days since our final battle with the dark. Rey still lay unconscious in her old room, we had no way of knowing if or when she would wake.
I sit with her most days, telling her stories about how I took down the command ship. Poe tells me it's not good for me to always be here, and that I should stay focused on finding Ren's whereabouts.
When we didn't see Red 5 evacuate, we had assumed she had been killed. However, something, or someone, left her for us back at the rebel base. I don't know why or how, but I'm sure it was Ren. He was always so obsessed with her. Poe assures me it was due to their bond, and Snoke wanting her dead, but I know, there's more.

Poe's POV:

I lean in against the doorway as Finn finishes the retelling of us kicking Final Order ass. I can never stand to be in here, I can't look at her like this, see Finn so overcome with grief. It wasn't healthy for either of us, yet, here we were, still watching over her.
"Sorry to interrupt but, Rose thinks they've found some activity on Exegol. Could be Ren decided to make an appearance. I think we should check it out together." 
Finn didn't even turn to look at me, but instead nodded so I knew he was listening.
"Can you ask Rose to stay with her? I don't want her to be alone, in case.."
"- Finn. She's been out for days, you won't miss anything with one more trip. Besides, we find Ren, we beat his ass, and force him to give her back to us. Sounds like a plan to me, what do you say?" I give him one of my cheesy smiles, attempting to lighten the mood for the both of us. He sends me one in return, a silent agreement made between us.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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