Chapter 40|Departure

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Fallon and Miyu’s heads turned ever so slowly, soaking in sights they never awed at before. Although it was night, the black gates shimmered as if it were day.

Perhaps because of the antique street lamps scintillating angelic white light over the crowd.

Even the crowds’ attire was strikingly different from Fallon and Miyu’s simple shirt and jeans.

From their sharp, tailored tuxes to their glorious silk dresses. Some were ready for a ball, while others dressed for an unforgettable night at the club.

Bling flashing in the night, shoes giving them deceptive heights, and clothing so short they wouldn’t last ten minutes in winter.

So this was the Rionic lifestyle. Looked expensive and ostentatious, especially the fifty flights of stairs they gawked at. The amount to climb, just to reach the citadel entrance, daunted Miyu and Fallon.

“Don’t worry,” Henry said. “we don’t have to climb that. We’ll use the side entrance’s elevator.”

“Oh thank god.” They said in unison.

“Shall we go before we cause more of a scene?” Ezra said.

The trio looked on as more and more people assembled at the gate, and the guards trying to hold them off.

“Yeah, let’s go.” Henry said.

Within the citadel, Zaire hotfooted to the entrance. As she looked down, two muddy black cars were parked next to the pristine ones.

She gasped. “So it’s true.”

Favian followed her and as she turned, he furrowed at her, begging for this rumor to be false.

Zaire nodded.

“Shit.” Favian said. “They really have returned.”

“What are going to do? The plan, the throne, we can’t just throw it all away.”

“We won’t have to.” Favian took her hands. “Just continue to play along, and we’ll get thro-“

“I don’t want to play along anymore!” Zaire pulled her hands and walked away. “I’m tired, Favian. We’ve been at this for too long!”

“Yes but remember, we ruled for eighteen amazing years… and we will again.” He took her hand once more and kissed it. “Patience, my love.”

The elevator door hidden in the corner of the citadel dinged and the Udini squad walked into it.

Henry spotted Favian and Zaire by the fountain and smiled. Never in his life would he have thought he’d smile to see his annoying, regal teachers.

That got him wondering where abayomi was, and Vanik.

“Well look who decided to come back!” Favian teased.

“Who are they?” Miyu whispered to Ezra.

“Favian and Zaire Soto, the Regents of Rion.”

“Nice to see you too Favian.” Henry said. “Zaire.”

“Is running away going to be your thing now?” Zaire asked.

“Well, no. I’ve decided that I will take up the position as King. As much as I didn’t want to before, my little retreat made me think about how important this is, not only for the Kingdom, but for myself. I’ve always been the type to run when things get hard, to never embrace change because frankly, I hated it. My life had been peaceful and happy before all this.” He flung his arms. “But if it didn’t happen, I wouldn’t have known about my biological parents or my past. I wouldn’t have gotten closer to my friends.” He looked at Fallon and Miyu. “I wouldn’t have met Ezra.” He held his hand. “My boyfriend, and I wouldn’t have met my bro-“ Ezra widened his eyes at him. “Uhhh, my bromantic brotherly bond with…” He grabbed Fallon’s hand. “with Fallon. Yeah.”

Even though we already had a bromantic and brotherly bond.

Zaire sniffled, wiping her eyes with her handkerchief. “Oh Prince Henry.”

Henry rolled his eyes.

“I’m so happy you are finally ready to take up the throne. And you and Ezra, oh my, this is going to make Rion and Xander Kingdom so happy. Your parents too, Prince Ezra.”

“Speaking of them,” Ezra said. “Where is my family?”

“Your sister and parents returned to Xander yesterday to discuss a few things with their royal court, they should be back tomorrow.”


“Well!” Favian clapped. “It is lovely to see you both in good shape for your return and a couple. Who are the two behind you?”

“Oh.” Henry said. “Favian, Zaire, these are my best friends –practically family- Fallon Quinn and Miyu Mitsuda.”

“A pleasure to meet you both.” Miyu bowed.

“L-likewise.” Fallon said, bowing as well.

“Their gonna be staying here. We five have an important mission to carry out.”

Favian quirked a brow at Henry’s words. “Five?”

Then it hit him. “Oh, did I say five? I meant four. You know how people get confused with five and four.” He chuckled awkwardly. “They both start with ‘F’.”

“Uhhh… yeah.” Zaire said. “Well, we will have a full report on everything when the rest of the Daunt family are here. Lots to talk about, for now, Fallon and Miyu correct? Let me show you to the guest bedrooms.”

“I’ll take Fallon and you take Miyu.” Favian said.

The two smiled at the new guests, but underneath that smile, unpleasant schemes were unfolding right before the Udini Squad.


“This is your room, Miss Mitsuda.”

“Oh, you don’t have to call me that.” Miyu smiled. “Miyu is fine.”

She turned the doorknob and walked in, stopping at the threshold. If her mouth opened any wider, she could swallow an anaconda.

This is where I’ll be staying?”

“Yes. You expected a concrete cell with hay as your bed?”

“Well no, but… this is…” her eyes skipped over everything, the crystal chandelier, the queen sized, silk-covered bed, the polished tiled floors. “Marvelous.”

Zaire placed the key to the door on the nightstand and held the doorknob on her way out.

“Please, get as comfortable as you’d like. You can call for dinner if you’re hungry on the phone.” She pointed to the smart phone on the nightstand. “Have a pleasant stay, Miyu.”

“I definitely will.”

Zaire closed the door, her spurious smile dropping faster than a bag of bricks. “A pleasant, but short one.”

Her heels click clacked her frustration on the tiled floors as her burgundy dress swept it. This was not part of the plan.

They didn’t rule for eighteen years, intentionally found the prince, let him go on a week-long getaway to be confronted with more people and more issues.

She stopped in the hallway under a wall lamp and breathed. Zaire couldn’t face the royal court and staff looking like a fuming bull. She had a façade to uphold.

Her plans may be ruined for now, but no worries. As they say, humans are adaptable creatures.  

Henry. Just. Henry.Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu