Chapter 50|Alliance

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Flying in the night amongst the clouds on the Tourizal, Henry took cursory glances at Erasmus as he laid on the bird’s back angrily pensive.

He was shifting left to right and playing with his fingers, trying to think of anything but the fact that the person that killed his family was laying casually behind him.

What should he do?

Or say?

Sure, they’re now on the same path –to expose Zaire and Fabian for the liars they are- but forgiving him for all of the destruction he caused felt like betraying his resolve to annihilate him.

“So uhhh…” He tried. “What will you do now?”

The whispering winds had louder conversations than this right now.

Erasmus didn’t say a word. He just stared at the twinkling stars, as if one were to fall from the sky, he wouldn’t care and would happily die.

The driven Erasmus Henry knew was gone, replaced with this cocoon of pointlessness and pessimism.

“Erasmus?” Henry tried again.

“I don’t know.” He finally said. “Even if they are the ones to blame, I still caused all this destruction. Who know if I’ll even be allowed to live to figure out what I’ll do next.”


Cedric came flying towards them, slowing next to Henry. “I see them. They’re okay, just tired. No major injuries on either side.”

Henry sighed in relief. “That’s good. Hey Erasmus, we’re going to Gent and Bristine, and to pick up my friends, then head to Rion okay?”

“Wait.” Erasmus said, “Sitting up, there is one thing I need to do before we see Gent and Bristine. Please take me to my hide out. It should be below us about now.”

Henry cocked his head and watched him in the eyes.

They were… remorseful.

But Erasmus looked down, snapping the contact with Henry before he could decipher what the regret in his eyes meant.

They flew down to the dark forest lit by fireflies, stopping meters away from the hideout for the enormous bird to have space to land in a patch of grass.

“We’ll be back.” Henry told the bird and it squawked, sitting and picking at its wing. “Well, show us the way.”

Erasmus led then down a trail of broken twigs and footprints. There was some blood blotched in the dirt every one and then, and they followed the trail, arriving at a boulder.

And behind it, someone breathed as if they were about to die, slow and heavy.

“Donovan, I know you’re behind there.” Erasmus said. “And you’re hurt.”

Donovan let out a wince of pain, trying to gather his words. “I was so close. Just leave me alone, please.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not here to drag you back to my hideout. I’m actually setting you free, and taking you to your sister, Bristine.”

“What?” He came out of hiding, and his unkempt blond hair had chips of leaves inside. He held his elbow, constricting it from leaking anymore blood, but it seeped through his fingers and dripped.

His dark eyes looked angry and vengeful, but he knew he was no match for Erasmus, he tried.

“Why would you do that?” Donovan asked, leaning on the rock.

“I now know they truth, about everything and… I need to correct as much of my nasty deeds as possible. Starting with you.” Erasmus bowed.

“I’m very sorry!”

Donovan’s heavy breathing ceased, and he fell to the ground.

“Hey!” Henry said, running to him. “Donovan, wake up!”

“Why did he faint?” Erasmus asked, crouching next to Henry.

“Maybe he lost too much blood. We have to get him to Fallon quickly. Help me.”

Henry and Erasmus picked Donovan up by each arm, but Cedric used his wind magic to float him above them both.

“Better?” He said.



“Please wake up.” Bristine said, hovering over her brother as Fallon used whatever strength he had left to heal him.

Donovan took a big gulp of air, signaling he was alive.

“Donovan!” Bristine said, pulling him off the ground and hugging him.

“Easy now.” He whispered, weak from the blood lost. “I’ll be okay. Thanks to him.”

Donovan and Bristine looked at Fallon.

“Thank you, Fallon, so much. He’s all I have left.”

“Hey!” Gent said, offended.

“Okay, he’s one of two people I have left.”

Fallon chuckled. “Your welcome. Since I already healed Ezra and Miyu, would you two like to be healed as well?” He asked from the kindness of his heart.

Now that they weren’t sworn enemies, it felt easier to connect, even if they were trying to kill each other a few hours ago.

But Bristine shock her head. “I’m okay, you guys weren’t that strong.”

“Says the girls who laid on the ground like a dead fish!” Miyu said behind Fallon.

“That’s cause I used up my magical energy fighting you guys. That doesn’t mean you’re strong though.”

“Admit it, we won!”

“In you worse nightmares.”

“I don’t wanna break the bonding but, we have some criminals to bust.” Ezra said.

“Right.” Henry said. “While we’re flying, Eramsus can tell you the rest of the story.”

The Udini Squad, Gent, Bristine and Erasmus walked to the touizal waiting ahead. Eramsus tapped Bristine’s shoulder and stiffened. For the first time in a long time, he was nervous.

Barely making eye contact with Bristine, he clenched his fists and said: “I’m sorry Bristine. Very sorry. For what I did to you and your brother. I’ll try to make up for my crimes as much as I can, but just for this last time, can you and Gent help me?”

“This time you’re asking and not demanding right?” Gent said, hearing the conversation and stopping.

“Yes. I’m asking. Not for your forgiveness. I don’t deserve that, and I don’t know if I ever will. But for your help.” He bowed.

Gent and Bristine watched each other, then him. “We will.” They said in unison and smiled.

They might have been forced to help Eramsus, but they understood his drive. A lonely boy who lost his mother to a false execution. Anyone would want justice for such a crime.

“Hey! We’ll leave you behind!” Miyu said, and the three ran to the tourizal flapping its wings to take flight.

All three of them jumped in time to grab hold of the feathers, screaming through the ride as they could easily die if they let go.

“Don’t fall!” Miyu said.

“No shit Sherlock!” Bristine retorted.  

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