Chapter 46|Amirzia Kingdom

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Through the chilly winds on the night, Henry flew on the back of a vlipel bird, conjured by Ezra.

Tear stains imprinted on his face, and the closer he got to the next Kingdom, the more the memories of the fight muddled his mind.

“You’ll be okay, Henry.” Cedric said, flying beside him. “It was the best option we had.”

“I know but, I’m just worried about them. We didn’t exactly leave them winning the fight.”

The vlipel squawked, using his two orange rear wings to hug Henry, while the other white front wings soared through the night.

He smiled and wiped his eyes before he cried again, then closed them to control his breathing, but the memories flickering like pages in the wind tensed his muscles.

Fallon lying unconscious as Ezra protected him from three Gents.

The many colourful birds he summoned shooting rats of energy from their mouths and wings might have distracted him, but defeating him was as pointless as counting sugar crystals.

Up against two cunning and clever Bristines, Miyu exhausted herself by conjuring water creatures she never did before. This finally took a toll on her body and she fell to her knees, smiling at Henry as he flew to the next Kingdom.

“Henry!” Cedric called.

“Yeah what?”

He opened his eyes and felt the rolling stampede of sweat on his face and arms.

“You have to focus. They will be okay, trust them.”

“I do trust them. I just… I’m worried. Maybe we should turn back.”

Cedric sighed. “Listen, Miyu sent both of us because we need to advance before Gent and Bristine does. Do you want to fail them, or protect them?”

“What kind of stupid-“

“Answer the question.” He said sternly.

“I wanna protect them, with my life if I have to.”

“Then the way to do it is to collect those stones before Gent and Bristine does. Don’t underestimate them.”

Henry took a deep breath. He was right. They have trained enough to handle those two, especially Miyu. They should be fine.

Should be.

“Thank you, Cedric.”

“What are brothers for?”

“To be an annoyance in my life.”

He scoffed. “I checked that box a long time ago.”

The vlipel squawked, alerting Henry and Cedric of the Kingdom approaching. It looked like a city straight out of a fantasy world.

Amirzia Kingdom was like the city of the ancient Greeks with its buildings’ architectural designs of marble coloumns, symmetrical roofs and curving concrete bridges.

The monotone white colour throughout the city cast a heavenly illusion over the land, especially at night surrounded by road and forest.

“Wow.” Henry said, flying over the city on the orange and white Vlipel.

He gawked at the escalator-like pavements as they moved to transport the Amirzian citizens from place to place.

They all looked so… quiet. The entire kingdom seemed quiescent, except for the speeding cars. They zoom by so fast Henry only saw flashing lights.

“This place is beautiful.” He said.

“Welcome to Amirzia." Cedric waved his hand over the city. "The kingdom of spirits.”

Henry. Just. Henry.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat