I hope she's having a shitty day.

I uncap my dark red lipstick and begin to apply it to my lips before replying. "Fuck off, would you?"

The girls around us gasp. I've never sworn in front of them, let alone been rude to someone. The former was a rare occurrence on its own, but directed at another person was something I'd never done. And it felt good.

After everything Ana and those girls put me through, I hope they all had shitty days. I hope my dad had a shitty day for taking my car without telling me and making me walk to work. I hope Killian has a shitty day for being friends with someone like Stefan.

But Stefan? I hope he falls into a ditch and doesn't come back out.

I'm finishing up my lipstick when Zoe walks up to me and hits my elbow with hers, effectively making me paint it all down my chin. "Oops, sorry." She deadpans.

"You did that on purpose." I grit.

"Did I?"

That's when I lose it. Anger rushes through me and I don't even have time to process what I'm doing until my fist is flying across her stupidity perfect face.

Her head snaps to the side with a crack, telling me that I'd hit her hard enough that my knuckles, along with the rest of my body, would begin to hurt the second my pills wore off.

Her nose is bleeding when she turns back to me. The crowd of girls is eerily quiet around us. She punches me back, luckily hitting me on the opposite side of my face, so my cut doesn't open again.

Even with the meds, I feel it. The next thing I know, I'm on top of her, stratalling her hips as I punch her again.

She pulls on my hair and wiggles under me to get me to let go but I don't do so until I'm being pulled off of her. "Lacey, what the fuck?" His voice is low, into my ear as his lips brush the shell of it but I don't relish in the feeling.

Instead I pull away from Killian, the man who's willingly friends with a rapist. My rapist. I pull my arms out of his grip and turn to him "Don't fucking touch me."

I don't acknowledge Micha who's holding back Zoe, nor wait around for Killians reply, or anyone else's as I walk into the main room and immediately start taking orders. He's soon on my heels as he follows me around the club.

I take out my notepad for the first table when I realize there are no pages left. Instead of loosing my tip and making them all repeat it, i memorize it.

Killian is hot on my tail. I don't pay any mind to him, not even when he grunts out a low, "Don't fucking walk away from me."

I do just that, moving onto the next table that's snapping at me. I plaster on a fake smile for the tips, and address them. "I'm sorry, I've just run out of pages on my note pad and I have an order in my head, I'll be right back." And with that I'm hurrying up to the bar.

Micah's there, leaning up against the back wall as he waits for customers. His eyes widen when he sees me coming and it's like he immediately goes into brother mode. "What the fuck was that? Are you okay?"

I ignore his questions, "give me two specials, one sex on the beach, one gin martini, one glass of chateau Margo, and two gin fizzes." I finish, "oh! And a new note pad."

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