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THE GROUP NOW SAT AT THE KITCHEN. Rachel had the previously talked with Adamnson, which resulted in her hands covered in blood and finding out she has healing powers. Dick was still talking with this creepy doctor. He came out and stood straight. "He says your birth mother is still alive."

Rachel stood from her sit and walked to Dick. "What?"

"He claims they've been holding her prisoner. He may be lying." He explained. "He says your mother's name is Angela Azarath. They're holding her at some asylum."

"Him and his people are dead set in keeping you apart." Dick finished.

"Why?" Kory asked confused.

"Some more blabber about Rachel's father and his divine mission. I don't know."

"My mom's alive. I could meet my mom. We have to go. Now." Rachel said, moving to the door. Dick stopped her.

"Even if he is telling the truth, this could be a trap. At best, we would be marching into an enemy stronghold." Dick tried but Rachel wasn't having it—"You've seen what these people can do!"

"Rachel, no one's going anywhere until we take some time to assess the situation."

"What if they move her?" Rachel worriedly questioned. "They know we have him."

"I'm not risking all of our lives on his word. I'm sorry." Dick finished, his head lowering.

"Tell him he's wrong." Rachel begged Kory.

"I wish I could. You know how I hate to agree with him, but..."

"All you ever talk about is finding out who you are." Rachel said looking at the woman, hurt in her voice. She turned to Gar.

"You think we should go. Right, Gar?" He didn't respond. "Gar?"

"I'm sorry, Rachel."

Rachel turned to Devon as a last resort, her eyes full of tears. "Please Devon, not you too."—Rachel pleaded.

Devon's heart ached at her friends face, she didn't want to hurt her, but also didn't want her to hurt herself. Since they've known each other she has tried to protect her, they both have.

"I can't." Devon finally said.

Rachel stood up and left down the hall, the rest sharing looks.


DEVON AND GAR KNOCKED ON THE DOOR TO AN OFFICE. "Go away!" Rachel called looking out the window.

"Can we come in? Please?" Devon begged.

Rachel sighed but nodded, both teens entered and stood beside Rachel. "I can't believe you're on their side. Of all people I thought you two would understand." Rachel said looking at them.

"Ever since Melissa died, I've been alone. I don't have anyone." Rachel said, drying any tears that threatened to fall with her sleeve.

Devon slightly tensed at her friends comment.

"You've got us." Gar shrugged, Devon eagerly nodding—"If I had even the slightest chance of getting my mom back, there's nothing I wouldn't do." Devon turned to look at the boy, her eyebrows raised.

"But you said-" Rachel started.

"I lied. I just told them what they wanted to hear. You get pretty good at that when you live with Dr. Caulder." She chuckled. "If you agree with people, they tend to leave you alone."

"So, I'll go with you." Gar said, Devon turned to look at him. Her mouth open. "Are you crazy?– You cannot leave. Neither of you!" Devon scolded. "I'm sorry Rachel, but it's too dangerous to leave with so many people after you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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