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THE PAIR OF TEENS MADE THEIR WAY OUT OF THE DETROIT BUS STATION. Rachel lead the way through the streets, bumping into people while looking down at the ground. Devon followed closely, looking around for any sign of danger.

After what seemed like days of walking, the duo reached a Soup Kitchen. They made their way inside following the line of people. After getting their food they sat at one of the tables and Rachel started explaining everything to Devon.

The dreams about a a boy, a circus, and a family falling. The noise from the place drowning out their words. Devon is left speechless and just stares at Rachel not knowing what to say.
"What do you think it means?" Devon asks looking up from her empty plate.

"I don't know. But I need to find this 'Grayson' boy-" Rachel was interrupted by a Woman who sat beside Devon.

"Hi, I'm Sally. I work here. First, I don't need to know who you are, or how you got here, okay?," The girls glanced at each other before looking back at Sally. "What I really care about is keeping girls your age off the streets." Said the new woman.

"So... Do you want us to just follow you?," Devon countered. "Are you crazy?"

Rachel kicked Devon's leg under the table and glanced back at Sally who was looking at the girls.

"There's a youth shelter, a few blocks from here. They'll have a bed for both of you." Sally moved her eyes from Devon to Rachel before she agreed.

Devon's jaw fell from her friends response. She did not trust this woman a single bit.


SALLY LEADS THE GIRLS OUT OF THE KITCHEN AND INTO A DARK ALLEYWAY. Being in the shadows brings a sense of comfort to Devon but not enough to feel comfortable in the situation they are in.

They are following a complete stranger to who knows where. Anything could happen.

Out of nowhere Rachel turns around, Devon following. Seeing a man walking behind them.

"Hey, Come on." Sally pulled the girls forward. Rachel and Devon glance at each other, the latter noting sweat forming on her friend's forehead.

"Are you girls okay? You seem on edge. I'm just gonna give you a ride. It's okay." Sally reassures both girls.

They get closer to a car, Rachel looks down before turning to Devon and whispering. "Run."

Both girls sprint off hearing Sally screaming for them. They made their way onto the street and stopping face to face with a police car. Rachel screams for it to stop while picking up a stone and throwing it at the driver's door.

The cop turns on the siren before getting out of the car and approaching the teens. "Let's go, girls."

The girls make their way into the back sit looking into the alleyway where Sally emerges from.



A man wearing a white dress shirt and blue tie, walks in and sits down in front of the girls, a smile on his face.

"Hi, there. I'm detective Dick Grayson. You guys want to talk about what happened?" Rachel stares wide-eyed at the man before mumbling.

"It's him" Devon turns to her friend, jaw going slack at the news. "Him, him?" She asks her eyes going wide.

"Who?" Dick Grayson asks looking between the girls.

"The boy from the circus" Rachel replied. Dick's face falls turning to look at Devon in search for answers.

"Is this some kind of sick joke? Who are you?" Dick asks his voice lowering.

"People were happy that night," Rachel continued, not answering the detective's questions. "You wished it was all a dream."

"Who are you? What are you girls doing here?" Dick insisted.

"Everything lead us here, to you. It's not an accident." Rachel looked at her friend. "We need your help."

"So you throw a brick at a police car?" He asks placing his hands flat on the table.

"You don't understand."

"Make me understand!"

"Someone killed my mom!" Rachel exclaims making her friend jump beside her.

Dick nods and looks over at Devon. "What about you?"

"I don't know my parents. I lived at an orphanage." Devon told the detective, while looking down at her fidgeting hands.

Dick pulls out a note pad, and asks both girls to write down their names and address. " I'm gonna check this out." Says Dick while standing up and walking to the door.

"Don't leave us here." Rachel pleads the detective.

"You girls vandalized a police car. You're not going anywhere." Dick says turning to look at Rachel.

"You need to lock me up-" Devon stopped Rachel. "What are you saying? We are not splitting up!"

Dick turned back to the door and continued on his way out.


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