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"THAT MAN YOU KILLED WAS PART OF A DOOMSDAY CULT." Explained Dick to Rachel. "They believe it's their destiny to prevent the end of the World."

"Why are they looking for Rachel?" Devon leaned forward, resting her chin on Rachel's shoulder.

"I still don't know."

Devon sat back on her sit, she took her earbuds, plugged them to her phone and leaned her head on the window.
Why are they looking for Rachel? And, what the hell is happening to me?

Dick knocked on the apartment door, a couple seconds later a woman with blonde, almost white hair opened the door, freezing at the sight of her old friend.

Sensing the discomfort from both adults, Devon and Rachel stepped forward. "Hi, I'm Rachel, and this is Devon." Both girls waved.

"Dawn." The blonde woman answered smiling.

"We need to talk." Dick interrupted the interaction.

"You're about four years late, but sure." Dawn lead them in to the spacious apartment and onto the rooftop.

"Wow. this place is huge." Rachel exclaimed awed by the view and the birds in the cages.

Devon turned to look at the adults in a heated argument, when a tall man entered and went straight to Dick and Dawn.

"The hell you doing here, Dick?" demanded the new man.

"Stuff happened."

"What a nice reunion you got here." said the man, getting closer to Dick.

"Hank." Dawn warned.

Devon and Rachel stepped closer to each other, the adults in their own little conversation.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Asked Devon, glancing back a the adults.

"I have no idea." Dawn called for the girls, and they all headed back inside.


RACHEL AND DEVON WERE LAYING DOWN ON THE BED DAWN PROVIDED. Dick entered the room, Rachel turned to look at him.

"So, you and Dawn?" Rachel asked, a smirk on her face.

"We were kids." Dick admitted.

"You hurt her. I could see it when she looked at you." Said Devon, more as a statement than a question. "It was and accident."

"That's not a valid excuse, Dick." Devon said glaring at Dick.

"It stayed in the past."

"Not for her." Devon finished turning around.

Devon poured the coffee in the mug and handed it to Rachel. "Thanks." Muttered the girl, already halfway through her drink.

Dawn and Dick where sitting on the table talking. Hank entered and immediately made his way to Dick.

"Well, isn't this cozy." Hank jokingly said standing face to face with Dick.

"We were just talking things through."

"Take what you want?" Hank stated, pushing Dick.

"Hank!" Dawn got in between the men.

"Stop!" Rachel shouted, but the adults weren't listening.

"You want my girl now?!"

"Rachel-" Devon tried. "Stop!" Rachel screamed causing the glass to shatter around them.

Devon crouched and created a force field to cover herself from the oncoming shards of glass.

"I'm sorry." Rachel said running to the roof, Devon rushing behind her.

"What the fuck was that?" Asked Hank, standing and going over to Dawn.

"Rachel!," Devon called coming from the stairs. Rachel turned around her hands up. "Stay back. I don't want to hurt you." Rachel said between sobs.

"Remember what I told you? That I wouldn't leave you alone." Devon assured walking closer to her friend. "You are my best friend Rachel. I'm not scared of you, and I'll never be. Please." Rachel nodded.

Devon embraced Rachel in a tight hug while the teen cried. "Don't worry Ray, I will never leave you.
I promise."


DEVON MADE HER WAY OUT OF THE BATHROOM WHEN SHE HEARD A KNOCK ON THE DOOR. "How are you doing sweetheart?" Dawn asked, sitting beside Rachel on the bed.

"I'm okay. But, I'm sorry." Rachel apologized looking at Dawn.

"It's okay. Hank can be an asshole sometimes. He is also sorry." Said Dawn glancing briefly at Devon.

"Look, you girls are gonna stay here for a bit. Hank and I have this... thing."

"Don't worry, Rachel and Devon are big girls." Dick called from the door.

Dawn nodded and stood, marching to the door and passing Dick on her way out.

"You're going with them, aren't you?" Rachel asked Dick.

Dick smiled and nodded before making his way out of the room.


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