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"THIS IS YOUR CAR?" Rachel asked examining the inside of Dick's car, "What are you, an ass?" Devon gasped from the back seat, "That's literally what I said

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"THIS IS YOUR CAR?" Rachel asked examining the inside of Dick's car, "What are you, an ass?" Devon gasped from the back seat, "That's literally what I said." Dick rolled his eyes once again, tired of his precious car being the target of cruel jokes.

"It's a family heirloom." He honestly replied to all the mocking, keeping his eyes on the dark road. "From the Circus?" Rachel asked, Devon's eyes widened. Moving swiftly towards her friend she whispered in her ear, "That's him?" Rachel nodded.

"No, not that one."

Devon leaned back in her seat, remembering the book she hadn't finished she searched her bag and took it out settling on the last page she read. "Where are you taking us?" Rachel broke the silence, Devon didn't lift her head but still heard the conversation. "Somewhere safe."

After long hours of driving, Dick pulled up at a cute-looking diner, at least for Devon's taste, the sun ready high in the sky. They walked in and chose a table far from the lone people. A server came dropping off some menus, "I'll have black coffee. You girls?"

"I'll have the same thing." Dick looked at Rachel, "You sure?" Rachel nodded, "Okay— Devon?"

"Do you guys have iced coffees?" The server nodded. "Amazing, can I have one with a drizzle of caramel? Thank you." The server walked away while scribbling the order down.

"You like sweets, Devon?" Dick turned to the other teen raising a brow, "Is it that obvious?" The detective chuckled and Devon smiled, earning one from Rachel.

The server returned with their orders, placing each drink on the tables before walking away.

Dick turned back to Rachel, chuckling seeing her put packet after packet of sugar in her coffee. "You too."

"I have a question, what happened earlier... has anything like... that happened before?" Rachel kept her eyes on her cup, her fingers pressed against it. "No," She turned her head to Devon, noticing her worried expression. "Not like that."

"How did you kill that guy?" Rachel fell quiet again, her gaze back on the cup. Dick kept his voice low, "You don't have to tell me, don't worry." taking a sip of his drink he released a deep breath, "We are going to see some old friends of mine. They're safe."

"You sure?" Devon glanced at the detective, she didn't like new places. "Yes. No one is gonna get you there. We just need a safe place to think about what we're going to do."

Both girls nodded and continued sipping their drinks. "Devon, do you also have... an ability I should be aware of?" Devon froze, the only person who knew about her... problems was Rachel. She didn't feel comfortable confessing to a total stranger.

"Uhh, I-I don't-"

"She doesn't like to talk about it." Rachel interfered, she knew what her friend thought of all of this and how it had caused and affected Devon's life. "Thanks, Rach."

"Okay, I won't pressure any of you into speaking, I'm not working right now." Dick nodded and gulped the last of his coffee, the girls copying him.

They all stood and headed to the exit and back to Dick's car and hopefully, a safe place.


"You girls want pizza?" They were currently at a motel, a couple of hours still to their journey. Rachel sat on the bed eating snacks while Devon sat on a chair finishing the last chapter of her book, a show playing in the background. "Okay," Just when Dick walked out of the room Devon perked up, "No pineapple, please!"

When Dick left, Rachel stood from the bed. Devon caught her movement and twisted her head to look. "Where are you going?" Rachel walked out of the bedroom, "I'm going to investigate."

"You mean snoop around his things?" Devon called, still sitting and reading. "Call it whatever you want. I'm just curious about who he is."

Devon walked out of the room, book in hand, and towards Rachel. She was standing in front of a small table, and on top of it what looked like a case. "What's that?"

"That's what I'm trying to find out." She opened it to reveal a computer, "Well, that was underwhelming." Devon leaned against the table while Rachel sat on a chair and started typing. She typed her name and article after article about Melissa's death and Rachel's disappearance came up. "Maybe, let's not look at

Rachel typed Dick's name, which made Devon curious. She also wanted to know who this detective was, especially after appearing in Rachel's nightmares.

The articles varied, some were about his parent's death, even videos, and others about who adopted him later. Bruce Wayne. "The billionaire?" Devon hummed. "So he has lots of money, good to know." Rachel laughed and kept scrolling. Out of nowhere papers started to come out of the case, a police report, and a picture, of the same man that caused the girls to be in this mess.

Rachel hurriedly let go of the papers and looked at the mirror placed on the wall, on top of the table. "No, no!"

"Rachel! Rachel, what happened?" Rachel sat on the floor, and Devon went down with her dropping her book, being aware of what was happening. "Breathe."

Rachel took a pen and pieces of paper drew crosses and started praying, just like Melissa told her to do. The lights of the room started to flicker. "It's okay Rach, you're okay." The girl placed her head on her friend's shoulder, nodding while mumbling a prayer. "You're okay."

Dick arrived minutes later with the pizza in hand, seeing both girls on the floor he rushed to them, the food forgotten, "Rachel, Devon, are you girls okay?"

Both of them nodded, Rachel still taking deep breaths, "This happens sometimes but it has been happening often after everything." Dick looked at her and frowned, what was going on with this girl?


Short chapter.
Hope you guys enjoy!

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