Theodore stood outside the airport, the rain pouring hard. His tears stained cheeks, now mixed with a mixture of rain and salty tears.

A car drove in front of him, and William came out with an umbrella.

"Theodore what the fuck man?!" He yells, immediately sheltering him with the umbrella. William can see sad look on his friends face, as he opened the passenger door for him.

Theodore was soaked wet from standing out in the rain. The AC was going to make him catch a cold.

"Man why were standing in the rain like a fucking mad man?! You could waited in the airport?! Also where the fuck were you?!" William was so pissed at him. Despite knowing William was mad, all he did was lean his head against the window and mutter.

"I don't want to talk about it,"

His voice barely audible over the sound of the rain.

"What about that day?"

"On my Jamaica trip I fell in love with a girl who was on vacation," William couldn't believe what his best friend was confessing to him. His heart skipped a beat as he processed the words. "What's her name?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Nia Well's," his voice filled with a hint of sadness.

"You waited 5 whole years to tell me that you fell for someone, 5 WHOLE YEARS??!" He felt the urge to punch his friend, to release the pent-up frustration, but he resisted, settling for a piercing glare instead.

"She broke my heart, William," he confessed, his voice filled with pain. "And I knew if I told you, I would still be hearing about it," he continued, his eyes filled with regret. William's frown deepened as he looked at his friend, hurt by the lack of trust. "You think so little of me?" his voice tinged with disappointment.

"Theodore I wouldn't do such a thing cause the moment I saw you in tears at the airport I knew something was up and I was there for you. I didn't pry cause I knew you didn't want to talk about it but I was there."

"I know and I'm grateful for you. I just need your help,"

"You need me to find her?" Theodore slightly nodded. "I saw her last night for the first time in 5 years. I just didn't get her number. I feel so foolish for not doing so, but in that moment, I was overwhelmed with emotions. It was a bittersweet experience because I finally found closure, but it also made me realize something..."

"Realization of what?"

"I'm still madly in love with her,"

A mixture of shock and joy washed over William's face as he processed Theodore words. His smile grew wider than ever before, revealing his genuine happiness for his friend. "Never thought I would hear those words out your mouth. Wow man, I'm so happy for you," he exclaimed, unable to contain his excitement.

Theodore took a deep breath and looked at his friend, William. "Don't get too happy yet," he said,"I just want us to talk and connect back again like we did on the island." William raised an eyebrow, curious about what Theodore was getting at. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"I spent a year trying to forget about her," Theodore continued, "but I just couldn't. I really couldn't, now that I have seen her, and gotten closure. I don't think I want to lose her again."

William nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I see," he said, "so what do you want me to do?"

"I just need you to help me get her number,"

"Of course, I'm here for you," he said

"Whatever you need."

Theodore grinned, feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders. "Thanks, man," he said, "I really appreciate it."

William patted him on the back and started to walk away. "I'll call Juan down at the IT department in the FBI," Theodore heard him say, "since he sort of owes me for not bringing a gift to his own brother's birthday. Like who the fuck does that?" Theodore chuckled and watched as his best friend walked away, his phone in his hand already making the call.

He reached up and wiped the tear falling down his face. While William was busy tracking down her number for him, he spent the last few minutes going over the game plan for the next week press conference he has which could either go bad for his campaign or good. As he immersed himself in the preparations, William entered the room, breaking his concentration.

"Got it," William declared, stepping through the door. His voice carried a hint of triumph. "It was quite a challenge to convince Juan, but I resorted to a rather unconventional method. I threatened to set fire to his beloved trousers and his precious collection of limited edition vinyl records. Let's just say he 'willingly' agreed after that."

"How sweet, threatening poor Juan," Theodore says sarcastically, not surprised from what he said.

William hands over the white paper with her numbers written in red pen. Theodore quickly grabs the phone and dials the number written in red.

"Hello? Who is this?" His heart instantly melted upon hearing her voice after a span of two days.

"Hey, darling it's Theodore,"


Its all up to fate.

Its all up to fate

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See y'all next chapter 🫶🏽

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