Trying desperately to avoid calls, drinking until my mind is no longer screaming his name, or replaying images of a night that shouldn't of happened, idiotically letting my intrusive thoughts win, and now having a bigger problem at hand. The fact that I'd taken his virginity, and ignored him all day, just because he can't get close to me, although fearing I'd already let that happen. 

Time passes as I continue to drink the rest of the night away, not even knowing the amount I have consumed at this point and Maddy too scared to object, all thoughts are thrown out the window when being approached by the cute boy who wears a furious look on his not so intimidating face. His arms our crossed as he darts towards me, clearly knowing exactly what he is looking for and having no other intention on being here, even though it is a Friday night. I turn my chair to face him completely, and adjust myself, spreading legs wider and slouching my back in a relax and confident position, having his cute pouting stutter slightly when eyes drop down towards my crotch area. 

It feels somewhat wrong, pulling out my best tricks on a new-found virgin whose just finally indulged in what he's been denying himself for years, but I can't help it. Especially now in the state I'm in. Wrong feels all too right, and my mind no longer has the voice that second guesses things when being so inebriated. Doing exactly what I'd been trying to avoid all day, I let loose lips do what they really want, no longer being able to hold back. 

"There he is! The best part of my day" I slur slightly while smiling wickedly and opening arms widely to enhance my enthusiasm. 

He's finally fully in front of me, stopping himself in-between my legs, and even sitting on this stool we see eye to eye. His face contorts in a sort of confusion for a split second, taking in the words I'd just spoken but having contradicted them with my actions throughout the course of the day. 

"How much have you drank, you're pissed" he speaks loudly over pounding music, and his honey sweet tone while trying to seem mad at me has my mind spinning almost as much as the alcohol does. "I'm not mad?" I reply dumbfounded, but really knowing the British slang behind it, just trying to lighten his sour mood. 

He shakes his head, swallowing down a smile before speaking once again, "it means drunk, Dream" giving me unwavering eye contact for a second before presumedly revisiting previous events, and straitening himself back up, eyes darting around the room. I study him closely, like I have been from the minute I saw him. He has an alluring innocence surrounding him even when being so caught up in corrupt activities that has me so intrigued. But not only that, he's so unsure in life but confident in what he knows he's good at, like being a lawyer, and it's thrilling watching him express himself in front of a crowd, acting as if he is surrounded with this unbreakable force field and nothing can touch him in that moment. But then the minute I have him to myself, he acts as if he wants me to guide him through his actions, seeming timid to someone so secure and sure in themselves when he's always been the opposite, and wanting, or more so needing that person, or me, to have him surrender his power to. At the same time, however, with his words he almost acts too prideful and independent, like my bartender friend, except far more innocent and unsure, making it as easy as a hand on his lower back, to distract him from any power trip he once thought he had, and easing his pridefulness with his want to be empowered. 

And I happen to be someone who is quite the opposite, working greatly in our favour, but also being dangerous in the sense that I'd rather he wasn't involved in the complications my life brings with being associated with me.  

"Anyway, I've come to speak with you about certain events of our case, but clearly you are not in the right state to do so" he speaks with formality and a sort of disappointment laced in his tone, letting it be known that he is once again, nervous around my presence. "Which is irritating since I've only dragged myself here do to the urgency of the situation." He finishes off, arms crossed and words coming off furious but his face almost giving away the fact that he is more worried than mad, wanting nothing more than a levelled head to reason with. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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