Chapter 22

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Dream's POV

It's just past midnight when I find myself six drinks deep, seated on a barstool that practically has my name written on it at this point. 

The weekend is here, and it feels like being under the influence is exactly what I need to end off the past five days of pure stress. I'm usually not the type of person to overthink things, being caught up in multiple life or death situations and having to use quick decision making, and alert due to the route I decided to take in life. However, recently something has seemed to shift, and I can't help but think it has to due with a certain lawyer I've come closer with these past weeks working together. 

I take the last swing of my Negroni, finishing it off quickly just for the pretty bartender to replace it effective immediately, and I can't stress how empowering it feels to have the people around you bend backwards just so they make sure you get your way. 

My phone vibrates in my pocket for what feels like the millionth time tonight, and without having to look at my lock screen I have a pretty decent idea of who's on the other end of it. I reach in and press onto my off button without so much as removing my phone from my pocket, and down my drink quick enough to feel bad. 

I look down at my empty cup, feeling a sense of deja vu for how many times I have seen this same visual tonight. "You should slow down!" The bartender shouts over the loud music, breaking my stare. I glance up, eyes slightly blurry with intoxication, and throw her a mean look. 

She seems to catch onto my annoyance quickly, grabbing the empty glass and replacing it just like before, but before she walks off to help out another person, I grab her dainty little wrist and pull her close enough to not have to raise my voice. She gasps, clearly not expecting it, and I tug her so she's now having to bend over the counter, propped up on her tiptoes, inches away from my face. Deciding to make her blush intensify, I leave her there to take a sip from my drink before my reprimanding. 

I clear my throat, "now now Maddy, you should know better than to tell me what to do." I pause, and a taunting smirk forms on my face as flashbacks appear of our time together, "or do I have to fuck it into your brain once more?"  

She seems to look around, clearly embarrassed by the words I'm uttering so publicly even though I doubt anyone can hear our conversation, but by the way she portrays herself as so independent and prideful, it's evident why she'd feel humiliated in this situation.

She shakes her head, stuttering slightly, "no" a cough, "no sir" she corrects. 

Not giving her the satisfaction of eye contact, wanting Maddy to feel like she is worth just as much as the dirt I walk on, I praise her for obeying, but also to give her a slight reminder of the last time we'd spent the night together, "good girl" I grin darkly, "now do what you do best, and be my little servant" I finish gravely, unleashing her from my hold. It appears my words affected her more than I had intended when watching her squeeze luscious thighs together as she goes to make a strangers drink order. 

Being a leader with such power and fear surrounding them has its perks. Having petite boys and girls sink to their knees just to please me, and lesser men following orders since they fear me is enough to make confidence turn into blatant cockiness and an all too big of an ego. 

And maybe my flirting with the girl in front of me had been just some rouse to calm me down from who I really want, projecting it onto someone who I know would, in a heartbeat, give me exactly what I crave, but unfortunately having no affect on me downstairs, since for some reason I've grown attached to a certain someone. 

A certain someone who I'd be foolish enough to care for, since my life is all kinds of fucked up. A soul too innocent to get close to me, even if he appears to be the only person occupying my mind at all hours of the day, keeping me up at night with desire and worry when light out, but having to treat him like any other individual because I'm too scared of dragging him into the world I exist in. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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