Why now

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Why am I feeling this way
It never bothered me before
Why now?
It just any other day
Same thing for many years
Why do I look around the room for you
You make the trip more fun
I notice small tiny details a little more
then I use to?
Your kindness is brighter then it was back then
Time disappears when your around
But it seems I barely know you
I'm confused yet I enjoy it
I laugh when stupid things happen
With flying air hockey pucks
You like to ride your bike to the place
We don't always talk
but we notice each other in a way
What am I feeling
It's not hate nor is it love
Why are you always on my mind
It annoying yet calming
My thoughts are racing
I have to wait again to see you
So fate intertwines by memories and confusion
May the rose bloom with curiosity


Words that speak from the heartDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora