Wake Up Princess

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The next night, you find yourself slipping into Jin's room.


He says, "You can't sleep, Princess?"

You shake your head.

"Ok, get under the covers."

He gets up and comes to that side of the bed, tucking you in with RJ. You snuggle close to RJ, and Jin gets back in bed. "Goodnight, Princess."

"Goodnight Oppa, thank you."

He says as he looks longingly at RJ, "Goodnight, RJ."

 He hears  you giggle and in a pretend RJ voice, you say, "Night, Appa."

He smiles and turns on his side to sleep. It wasn't much later that he was awakened by a knee to the hip. "Owe," he turns over, and you are whimpering and moving your legs like you are running.

He sits up and moves RJ to a safe spot, then gently taps your shoulder, "Princess, wake up."

He expected you wouldn't wake, so he lay back down, holding RJ to protect him from knee hits, and started telling dad jokes. Soon, his voice had you sleeping quietly, and Jin was sound asleep, drooling on RJ.

Yoongi, Jungkook, Jimin, and Jin gather and talk about your nightly habits the next day. 

Jimin says, "She is looking for something, but we are not what she is looking for. With us, it is just brotherly comfort."

Jin says, "I think her amnesia is a big part of it. I think she is so desperately seeking her memories that it carries over into her sleep."

He looks at Jungkook and says, "For example, Kooki is the same age as her brother, and from what she told us before, he would sing her to sleep when she was sick. She has always been close to you, Kooki." Jungkook nods.

Yoongi says, "I think the same. She is subconsciously seeking her memories. She went to Jimin because he has always been the most compassionate, gentle, and loving whenever any of us are hurt or sick." He smiles at Jimin, who blushes and smiles, embarrassed by the compliment.

Jimin grins, " I guess she went to you last night, Jin-hyung because you represent a mother figure to her."

Jin gasps, "Stob, I am not a mother."

Jimin hurriedly explains, "No, I didn't mean it like that. But you mother hen us all the time because you care about us. I think she needs that extra bit of care."

Jungkook asks, "I wonder who it will be tonight?"

Yoongi says, "Well, it won't be me. I keep my door locked."

Jin says, "That leaves Taehyung and Namjoon."

"Should we tell them?" asks Jimin.

"No, I think we just let things progress naturally for now, for her," suggests Yoongi. "Besides, I think it's helping her remember things."

"Then why do you lock your door keeping her out?" asked Jungkook.

Yoongi stands up and pours himself a whiskey. He sits back down and takes a swallow, trying to avoid answering.

Jin asks, "Why Yoongi?"

He sighs, "Because I'm not a comforter, I wouldn't know what to do if she came to my bed and had a nightmare I couldn't wake her from. I'm not good at comforting people like that." 

Yet he knows he would care too much, and it would hurt too much to see you like that and not be able to comfort you.

They all agree and go about their normal activities. During the day, they watch you take lots of walks and keep an eye on you. 

You wonder around the house, chatting with them and looking at the many pictures they had placed around. You remember little bits of fluff and nonsense about them, and it frustrates you. But you think, at least more of your memories are returning.

You notice a sketchbook and pick it up. You are looking through the drawings of. . . you look up at them. It is filled with drawings of them all.  You find a picture that you know you didn't draw. It was signed JK. It was a drawing of you and Namjoon walking away holding hands.

Suddenly, you felt dizzy and gasp. Jimin runs over to you.

 "Are you remembering?" You nod and sit on the floor right where you are. 

He sits with you. You remember the warm autumn day. You close your eyes, seeing the memory play like a movie. He turns to you, looking soulfully into your eyes as he is about to speak, and then the memory is gone. You lean into Jimin and softly cry. He pulls you close, comforting you. 

"I almost remembered it, I almost remembered."

"Do you want to tell me about it?" Jimin asks. 

You shake your head and hold on to him. 'How much longer? I was so close to remembering.'  Frustrated, you cry against Jimin as he holds you.

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