Who Are You?

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You're out in the yard drawing Taetae and Hobi having a water fight. Several times, they come running around you in circles, laughing and spraying each other with water. 

You see them both approaching you again, this time with a sparkle in their eyes and a mischievous smile.

"Don't even think about it, you two!"  You jump out of your chair, ready to defend yourself from the attack. They circle you, keeping a wary eye on the other as they do so.

You laugh at them, threatening to swat them with your sketchbook, and they take off chasing each other. You shake your head, watching them run among trees and shrubs, trying to be less of a water target.

 You burst out laughing as Hobi grabbed a water balloon from one of two strategically placed containers and threw it at Taetae. It was a direct hit, and Tae's head was soaked. 

You go back to sitting in the folding lawn chair as before, knees drawn up, sketchbook propped against your legs. You start to sketch again, smiling over their antics, when arms come from behind, crossing over your chest in a back hug. You look up and smile.

"What are you drawing baby?"

You look out at Hobi and Taetae, then back up at him, "Just the boys playing."

He kisses your cheek, then looks at your sketch, "This is great. You're better than Kooki."

You start to laugh when suddenly you are hit by a spray of water. You keep laughing because you had come out prepared, just in case. 

 Namjoon winks, giving you a quick kiss. "Get 'em, baby!" before he heads back towards the house to get his water gun.

You reach under your chair, grab your water, and jump up, laughing.  Aiming for Tae, you run for cover while spraying water at him. You are looking at him and not where you're going.

Tae and Hobi yell, "Look out!" Namjoon turns to look back.

You fell, slipping on the wet grass, as you trip over a tie down for the canopy. It's the last thing you remember before hitting your head on the outdoor grill platform.

They run to you, calling your name. You aren't getting up. Namjoon takes you in his arms as Taehyung and J Hope reach your side. 

"Is she alright?" asked J Hope.

 Taehyung is trembling and drops to his knees beside you. "This is all my fault I've killed her!" he is sobbing as J Hope pulls him into a hug.

"You didn't kill her Tae, she's still breathing." Tae cries, feeling so guilty for you being hurt.

"Baby, are you ok?" Namjoon pulls his hand from under your head, and there is blood covering it. "Oh my god! Baby, open your eyes, please, please look at me." 

Seeing your blood, Tae whispers in despair. "I've killed her." Right before he passes out.

You remain motionless. Hobi is already calling emergency. Tae is silent, lying on the ground. 

Hearing the yelling, the others come running out of the house. Jungkook runs straight to Taehyung, followed by Jimin.

Jimin kneels between Tae and you, "What happened?" He sees your head is bleeding and pulls off his t-shirt to press against your head. Namjoon holds you in his arms, silent tears falling from his eyes.

Namjoon says, "She fell and hit her head; she won't wake up." He starts crying, pulling you against him as Jimin keeps his t-shirt pressed to your wound.

Jungkook asks, "What happened to Taehyungie?"

J Hope tells him, "He saw her blood and passed out." 

Jungkook is patting Tae's face, trying to bring him around. Yoongi picks up your water gun and spays Taehyung in the face. 

"What are you doing, hyung!?" yells Jungkook. Tae starts coughing and opens his eyes.

"That," Yoongi says as he points at an alert Tae.

He looks toward the driveway. "I think I hear sirens." The sound is steadily getting closer.

Jin runs out of the house, his dish towel still in his hand. He removes Jimin's t-shirt and replaces it with the towel, holding pressure on your wound. "Go in, Jimin, before they get here." 

Jimin gets up to go inside to get a clean shirt, and Jin calls to him. "And put that shirt to soaking in cold water before you come back."


You wake to the strange sounds of loud beeps, bright lights, and murmuring voices.  You hear, "She's awake, she's awake."

Then you feel someone kissing your cheek. "Baby, how are you feeling? We were so worried."

You look around, wondering who these people are standing around you. Who are they?

A stranger leans close with worry in his eyes, "Baby, how are you?"

You look at him, head tilted, and ask, "Who are you?"

AmnesiaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora