11. Suspicious (Henry)

Start from the beginning

The next morning, Henry was feeling a little less skeptical because he woke up to Alex sitting next to him in bed, shaking him lightly with one hand, and holding some of his delicious Huevos Rancheros that he makes. 

(A/N: for those of you who don't know what Huevos Rancheros are, they're this Mexican breakfast dish that is basically just tortilla, egg - like a sunny side up - and salsa.)

"Good morning sweetheart," Alex said with a smile when he saw Henry's eyes flutter open.

"Good morning darling," Henry replied back with an equally loving smile. He sat up and took his plate from Alex and immediately started eating. 

"Oh my god this is so good. Why haven't you made this for me lately?" Henry questioned while digging into the rest of his breakfast.

"Because I don't want you to get sick of it and then make me miss out on this kind of reaction when I do make it," Alex replied sweetly while eating his own breakfast.

"God, I hate it when you're right," Henry said.

"Well, you better get used to it because I'm always going to be right," Alex chuckled.

"Yeah?" Henry asked.

"Yeah," Alex replied.

"Are you sure?"


"Are you positive?"

"YES OH MY GOD!" Alex exclaimed.

"Ok," Henry replied simply.


"I guess I'll just have to prove you wrong then," Henry said.

Alex threw his hands up, exasperated, "This is what I get for making you the best breakfast your English tastebuds will ever be able to taste."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Henry asked.

"It means that you English people have such bland food over here that you might not be able to handle anything more flavorful than this," Alex replied, looking smug. Well, that would not do. Henry couldn't let him win.

"Are you sure?" Henry asked again.

"Yes..." Alex said, clearly not wanting another repeat of what happened earlier.

"Because I'm pretty sure I've tasted something pretty flavorful," Henry wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. 

"OH MY GOD HENRY SHUT UP!" Alex yelled, covering his blush. It's very rare that Henry makes Alex blush by making dirty jokes, but most of the time when he does, it's just because Alex wasn't expecting it. 

"Sorry, love, I just couldn't resist," Henry flashed a smile and finished the last of his breakfast, "Now do you want to go spend time with Bea because you missed her so much?"

"Yeah, let's go," Alex said.


"Alex," Bea calls and nods her head to the side as if she wanted to talk to him alone. Alex gets up and walks over to Bea and they start whispering about something until Alex nods and walks over to Henry. 

"Baby, I have to go somewhere but I'll be back soon okay? I promise," Alex said. Now Henry was getting really curious but he didn't say anything.

Now it was just Henry and Bea alone in the room, "Soo.. what were you guys whispering about?" Henry asked.

"Oh nothing, Alex was just helping me with something," Bea replied, and then changed the subject, "So, how are you and Pez doing with the shelters?" 

"Good. I miss you a lot though. Living away from you is harder than I thought," Henry said.

"But it's much easier than living away from Alex, isn't it?" 

"Oh yeah, most definitely, no offense," Henry agreed.

"None taken, the love that you have for each other, it's like a fairytale," Bea said wistfully. 

"Well, I'm a prince and I have my 'princess' and we both love each other and got through many obstacles together, and we're living our happily ever after, so I'd say it is a fairytale," Henry joked.

"If you think this is your happily ever after, wait until tonight," Bea muttered under her breath, clearly not expecting Henry to hear it.

"What's happening tonight?" Henry asked, curious.

"Well you get Alex alone so you guys can do whatever you want before going back to the watchful eye of Pez or Alex's mom," Bea said.

"Yeah," Henry said suspiciously, "It's not like that's ever stopped us before though."

"True," Bea laughs. They spend the next few hours before lunch talking and just enjoying each other's presence again before Henry has to leave. 

A/N: GUYS. THE RWRB MOVIE IS COMING OUT TONIGHT!!!!! I'm so excited!!! I probably won't be able to watch it when it comes out but I'm definitely going to try. Anyways, in terms of the fanfiction, I promise I won't drag out the proposal much longer, the next chapter is going to have it I promise! I've just noticed that most fanfictions that have the proposal don't have much background to it, and I just wanted to put each character's thoughts and feelings leading up to it as well. I hope you guys are enjoying my fanfic so far, and I'm so honored that so many of you have come to read it. I didn't expect to get any viewers at all so I'm so happy that so many of y'all are reading it and liking it :) thank you so much <3

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