Rebel, 3, and 4, arrives at the base and bring Ava in.

Jard pov :

It's over, I look and trooper and Ava,

"I think it's good to go- wait where is Ava?"
"Did she run off again?"
"Well let's look for her before we have to go."
"I'm sure she can go to us.. plus she teleported herself here so she can teleport there."

"Make sense lets go."

Me and trooper teleported into 4 corners where defect rebel and bobo are.

"Hey guys! Where is ava?"
"We are pretty sure she teleported somewhere without us and we think she teleported to you guys."

"She isn't here!"
"Well what happen?"
"I don't know we never saw her here!"
"What do we do now then?"
"I think one of the rebels took her."
"You think so?"
"That's what they will do!"
"Do you still remember where their base is at?"
"Nope pretty sure they got a new base." 

"Will Ava come back?..."
"Hopefully yes.."
"I hope she doesn't die..."
"What makes you think she will die?"
"You know how the rebels are these days!"
"Well lets hope they don't do that..."

This is starting to worry me. I may not trust Ava that much but she was the reason we met trooper and defect rebel, and rebel I guess. I started to look everywhere on each map to at least find where she is.

Rebel pov :

I drop Ava on the floor hoping I actually didn't hurt her.

Scary spooky leader - "So this is the person who brought the team together?"
Rebel 3 - "Yep! And who kidnap rebel here!"
Scary spooky leader - "Hm. Put her in one of the cells we have Rose to talk her so we can gather what she's capable of."
Rebel 3 - "Yeah okay." 

I pick Ava up softly and put her there. I walk out after that.

Rebel 3 - "It was easy wasn't it?"
Rebel - "..."
Rebel 3 - "Dude please you haven't think about that till she was mention and was brought along!"
Rebel - "I'm sorry she just.. remind much of rebel when he didn't...."
Rebel 4 - "At least we get out of this after all of that."
Rebel - "..."
Rebel 3 - "Wanna go ahead and shoot people and talk about it?..."
Rebel - "Sure..." 

As I take my Silenced SMG thinking what could've happen when I didn't do that.. I pretty much screw myself over, but this is the path I'm taking.. there's no more turning back...

Angry munci pov :

What are they even gonna do to her? Plus how much of a fucking heavy sleeper she is? I saw everything but my time isn't yet right now. I will forget about her and this.

Rose pov : 

This is so stupid, I have to talk to someone to get every information out of them. This just remind me of every talk I just had. But it starts tomorrow so I guess I can take a peek at the person I'm about to question. As I look at the cell- wait.... Ava?... Dear god what did they done to you? I will try to be nice as I can, I just hope nothing will happen to you after I question you... I walk away after that scared for Ava's life, I may not escape this base and may not have a plan to get her escape...But.. 

*Radio click!*

Trooper pov : 

We look everywhere but- 

"Hey, this is rose coming form Ava's radio, I need you guys to get her I send you guys where I am try to sneak in carefully."
"Straight to the point nice, we head there right now."

At least we have an chance to look where she is. But what if is a trap? I don't know we just go there in case. Me and the group begin to go there, starting with Facaded



we walk there till- oh shit the nextbots are here I forgot about that. Me and the rest spilt up as 1 of them right ahead to find Ava... But this damn nextbot won't stop chasing me, I shot at it a few times as minutes fly by. I hope this will be quick...

Defect rebel pov :

Jeez why did they have to take her out of all people? I just ran around in circles thinking about everything. I just need a break form all of this, but can't back down not yet.. I don't understand I thought they would take me? I know them for so long so it would make sense to take me! But not the time to think about that we need to get to bobo since he went ahead of us! We find him after this... 

Bobo pov : 

I gotta find Ava I haven't done anything useful so this is my time to shine! I went ahead and going to the Station just gonna need to past these nextbots.. Which I did really good! :D 

Ava here I come! ^^

(SORRY I DIDN'T POST ANY CHAPTERS! I will maybe post headcanon or art book while I'm at school and work on some chapters. Yeah im so sorry that happen yall)

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