Survive bobo

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I woke up once again, I forgot I was in here. But bobo tho :( wait did they forgot to lock my door? I open the door and... lol they did, but if I gotta save bobo I gonna do something to make them think I'm still here, simple! I put a pillow under the blankets and pretend it was me, I exit the room and walk around, is midnight anyways they aren't gonna know right? I tried to find the lab or whatever it's called, I failed so hard-

Rebel pov :

I been standing there watching her trying to find something, stupid. I walk up to her and ask what is she even looking for. How long is it gonna take her to realize that I could take her back in her cell.

Ava pov :

A kind person said it was right here so I enter the lab and... Bobo! :D I drank- oh wait I don't have any sodas, I pick up bobo in my arms  and then.... RUNNING AWAY GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE! I broke out of here and ran! Idk how is bobo gonna turn out but I hope he be okay! Since he been injected with sometime... I hope it didn't do anything, I ran out and... DESERT BUS AGAIN?? I remember the time me and Jard and bobo met for the 1st time, I set him down behind a building and check if I gonna revive him or something like that. Nothing, I gotta contract the rest of the group, I pick up the radio.

Radio click!

"Hey! Uh we are in desert bus since I escape the rebels! And bobo is with me."
"Alright coming there right now"

Radio click!

I sat there with bobo, hah imagine is survive bobo lol couldn't happen... right? I set barriers around bobo in case I am not having that.

Defect rebel pov :

Alright... Desert bus.. how great. I wonder how this is gonna be now. We are in the underground facility right now, we just gotta leave this place...

Jard pov :

I don't trust whatever they did to bobo, but we just gotta find them in desert bus, after surviving a few nextbot, but...

Special round
Survive bobo

Oh bobo... We ran everywhere even jumping off to just avoid getting killed. Alright we can do this.

Few hours later

Jeez how many hours did we try and avoid bobo? I mean its over 3 hours... I grab defect arm while he grab onto trooper going outside to the desert bus.

Ava pov :

Alright I been trying to get to bobo but I can't... TF DID THEY EVEN PUT IN HIM? Every bobo nextbot is spawning every 3 minutes and I can't handle them all! Since the base is connected to the desert bus... my last life here and everyone is like almost dead, I don't think I can't do this any longer. I kept running to bobo trying to calm him down but uh... he spawning a lot more nextbot every time I get closer. So I can't really do anything to help him unless...

Not even 5 seconds later

Alright being chased by over 6 bobo isn't really good, I carried bobo out of the spot he was sitting on and on my shoulders. God damn he's trying to escape. Switch of animation carries, I drag him on the sand instead. As more and more nextbots spawn it just look like I can't talk to him in peace. This isn't really a good idea since I'm on my last life, I ran around in circles waiting for the rest of the group to arrive.

Jard pov :

As we made it outside... holy shit there a lot of bobo's here, and- wait Ava? What is she doing, dragging bobo on the ground while tons of bobo are chasing her, might as well help her.

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