chapter fifteen

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"Miss Rogers, lovely to finally meet you. Peculiar year you've had."

"Who the hell are you?"

Behind him, it, robot thing? Tony flies through with Spider-Man, Rhodey, Natasha is walking with them and many others of the Avengers and T'Challa. I stop running as I suddenly feel cornered but I felt a presence behind me. I quickly turned around with my hands up worried it was one of them or someone to get me, but it had only been my brother and Bucky with Clint, Sam, that red haired girl who I finally figured out is named Wanda, Scott and others. I relaxed as I turned back around as Steve started walking beside me.

"What's going on? I thought the plan was to get to the quinjet and go to Siberia."

"Yeah, well you've missed quite the fight we've had already," he breathed heavily before he broke into a sprint. Bucky grabbed my hand and began pulling me in a direction to try and bypass everyone so we could secure the jet.

"What happened between you and Steve at the bunker?" he questioned. Before I could tell him that's a story for another time, T'Challa jumped down in front of us giving Bucky an uppercut. Bucky went flying behind me as I held my hand out using my powers to make him fly backwards.

"He didn't kill your father, T'Challa," I walked up to him throwing a punch to his face. He traded one back with me where I could feel my lip bust. I brought my hand to my lip and pulled back seeing the blood. I gave a simple shrug as I brought my foot in the air and connected it with his jaw. I blocked his punch to the stomach as my other fist collided with his face again.

"Then why did he run? Why did you run with him?"

"What can I say?" I breathed heavily. "I love the guy," I went to punch him again but he blocked it throwing me to the side. My head made contact with the ground and I heard a loud crack in my skull. I groaned but managed to keep my eyes on him as he ran to Bucky where they collided fists with each other. I watched as T'Challa flexed his fingers and his claws popped out and he brought them up to slash at Bucky. I let out an involuntary gasp as I brought my hand up watching his get surrounded by purple energy, and I concentrated on holding it as I got to my feet. I walked toward him, Bucky watching intently and brought my other hand up to use as much strength as I could. I picked T'Challa off the ground watch the purple aura surround his body and threw him into a nearby passenger gangway.

I let out a deep breath as my hands fell to my sides. I had began to feel weak and tired as I looked at Bucky who began to sense it. I started walking toward him to get to the jet, but stumbled a majority of the steps.

"Whoa, whoa," He ran the extra few steps and grabbed my hand. "Maybe less power using, yeah?"

I nodded as we started running across (I was more stumbling) the runway and I spotted Spider-Man fighting Steve. I started to let go of Bucky's hand.

"Steve," I spoke quietly as I started running that way. I heard Bucky protest behind me as I watched Steve kick at the kid, and I threw my hand up focusing on the gangway leg the kid was under. I threw it to the side and it took Spider-Man by surprise and Steve looked back just as I stumbled into Bucky's side.

"Steve, we gotta get going. That guy is probably in Siberia by now and Lizzie's getting drained by this power stuff," Bucky began walking us as Steve joined our side after a final conversation with Spider boy. I looked up at my brother lazily.

"See, I told you I could do it."

"You've about over did it. We gotta take out the flyers. I'll get Vision. Both of you get to the jet. She needs you to take care of her, Buck."

"I'm fine," I protested. "I can get Rhodey."

"No! You get to the jet. All of you. The rest of us aren't getting out of here." Sam spoke over the comms but I couldn't spot him in the sky anywhere. My eyes became heavier as I leaned into Bucky beginning to lose feeling of if I was walking or not.

Till the End of Time {Bucky Barnes}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora