chapter two

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1946 — Hydra Facility, Brooklyn, NY

I rammed through the door that had led down beneath the building where all the experimentation had been taking place. My dearest Peggy and Mr. Stark had both tried stopping me, but I knew my Bucky was here. I knew I would find him here and I didn't know how to tell them I knew, but I did.

My simple white dress had been looser than normal and that had to do the with the petite but swelling belly beneath. I had simple black flats that I decided to ditch as they had begun hurting my feet and rushing through these halls would be easier barefoot. I was a doer before a thinker and at this moment that wasn't good.

"BUCKY!" I screamed as I rushed the halls. I had completely lost one important man in my life, if I had a chance to get back the other I was going to do it no matter the costs.

"That voice ... " I heard a voice down the hallway covered by others scrambling.

"JAMES!" I held the bottom of my petite bump as I scanned rooms while running. There was a feeling that I was closer to him, that I would have him and I could finally give him the news he so desperately deserved to know.

As I ran to turn a corner, I nearly bumped into a group of Hydra men who all had guns pointing at me. I gasped loudly as I quickly turned to run the other way but my bicep was harshly grabbed.

"NO! STOP!" I kicked and screamed. "JAMES!"

"Lizzie ... ELIZABETH!" I heard Bucky come to his senses as they were dragging me down the hallway. I dropped my legs from beneath me hoping they would drop me but their grip only tightened. I yelped out in pain. I was being dragged backwards and couldn't see behind me.

"LET HER GO!" I heard him scream at the top of his lungs with a crack of fear. "Don't hurt her, please!"

They dropped me on the floor where my head dropped against the concrete floor with an audible crack. I gasped out roughly as my shaking hand tried to go to the back of my head as black dots danced my vision.

"Lizzie, doll wake up!"

Doll my heart fluttered despite the imminent danger we had been in. My eyes fluttered a few times and although it had been blurry, my vision was returning. I rolled over to my side as I leaned my head down with a groan escaping my lips, but I forced myself to look up and see if the voice I heard was real. As I connected with those drowning blue eyes, all my pain had disappeared as I scrambled to my feet to run to him but was immediately jerked as two broad hands grabbed my biceps snapping my head forward.

"She is free to touch him," I heard a German accent through an intercom and I was immediately let go as the two men exited the room. My eyes immediately teared as I ran into the strapped down Bucky. There had been a metal click then his arms had been tightly around me. I sobbed into his neck as all the stress of thinking he was dead had left my body. I sobbed as my body filled with relief that he had been here and had been alive.

"I'm here, doll," he held me tight.

I pulled back and locked with his blue eyes as my hands rested on the stubble on his cheeks. I sobbed out as my lips connected with his passionately and had been longing for this moment. I held him tighter as if he would disappear if I let go. I pulled back as I examined him and noticed a very much different arm.

"Your — Your arm," I whispered out as my hand rubbed the cold metal.

"It's fine," he shook my hand off as his hands trailed down my waist and stopped at my belly. His eyes widened as he felt the area and he gasped as he looked up at me. "Why are you here in this condition, Elizabeth? Steve is gonna kill you," he whispered. The mention of Steve made my waterworks start again. He teared up at the obvious statement of what was wrong. "That's why you came for me. You can't be here, Lizzie, they're doing things to me and I can't hurt you ... or this," he whispered as he kept his human hand on my belly. I gave him a confused look before that voice was heard again.

"Zhelaniye, rzhavyy, semnadtsat' ... "

"NO! NOT HER!" Bucky screamed as he quickly pushed me off of him as he twitched. "Get out of here, Elizabeth, now," there had been a dark look in those once glowing eyes.

"Wha .. what?" I stuttered as I stepped backwards.

"Rassvet, Pech', Devyat' ..."

"They're going to make me hurt you, Lizzie, please!" his voice cracked in fear. I turned around to run to the door but as I jiggled the door handle it was locked.

"Dobroserdechnyy, vozvrashcheniye na rodinu, odin, gruzovoy vagon."

I continued to jiggle the door knob letting a glance be seen over to Bucky whom had looked completely different than the Bucky I knew. He looked darker, murderous.

"Winter Soldier ... kill the pretty woman."

My eyes widened as I jiggled the door knob desperately but there was no hope. I turned my back and stood against the door as I watched Bucky get freed from the chair as he gave me a dark look. There was murder in those eyes and the murder was for me.

"James, don't do it! Fight whatever they're doing to you!" I screamed as he began taking foot steps toward me. I began sliding against the perimeter of the room to try an escape route, but he had been surprisingly fast as he had grabbed my wrist before I could run. I screamed at the intense strength as I felt the bones cracking in my frail wrist. I looked up into a stranger's eyes. Eyes I had never seen before.

"Bucky, I know you're in there, please!" I cried as I snatched my wrist from his grasp as my backwards steps began to go faster.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said in a low growl. I spotted the steps to a ladder in the peripheral corner of my eye and without thinking of a proper plan I began to run towards them. I could hear his foot steps behind me as I leaped onto the first step to begin my ascendance to freedom, but my goal had quickly been shattered as my ankle was snatched and I was dropped off harshly, hitting the corner of my eye on the ladder.

Before I could focus my vision, I had been slammed against the wall two feet off the ground with his metal hand around my throat cutting off all airways. I began gasping not realizing the drip I had on my legs.

"B — Bucky," I gasped as I gripped at his hand. "I'm not gonna fight you," I squeezed out. I weakly moved my hand toward his cheek as a tear trailed out of my eye while looking into the unknown ones of my fiancé. I cupped his cheek, "I love you, James."

I saw a light come to his eyes as he began shaking his hand. He blinked rapidly before he realized his metal hand had still been gripping my throat and I began seeing black.

"Lizzie? Lizzie!" He let me on the ground as he began crying uncontrollably. I felt a wetness that had me weakly look down and my entire bottom half of my dress had been red, indicating death to our baby. I coughed up blood that turned into sobbing spit of blood as my hands covered my belly. He screamed out as he caught me falling to the floor as he screamed curses to a name.

A name that I will remember if I live.

That name was Zola.

Till the End of Time {Bucky Barnes}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz