Sadness and a place

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He dragged them into some alleyway and magically teleported him and them to the island in the sky. They started in awe.

Then Holly started asking questions.

"What is this place? Is this where you ran away to? Is Mugman here? Who else lives here? How can you afford this? How much did this place cost? Whose child is that? How did you teleport us? What other abilities do you have? Does Mugman have them too?" She kept asking and asking. "Gah, shut it. Your makin' my brain hurt!"

He looked over at them. "Before we go in… I'd like to make you a deal. He made a soul contract. They read over it and they both signed one. A fair deal it was. Holly was given a belt with spots for two books and pen and pencil. Runes appeared on her leg, hand, shoulders, and her neck. Alice got a bow around her waist, better wings, and an ink machine rune on her dress.

"Welcome, Alice Angel and Holly May." He welcomed them. He told them the rules and brought them inside.

They gasped. The place was huge. Paintings on the walls, tall windows, 4 stories high, and everything else. They ran in and explored like children.

Cuphead sighed and sat down on the couch. He looked at the ground and tears ran down his face. Why was he crying? There wasn't any problem! What would Bendy say? Will mugman truly stay? No. Stop. He didn't care. He didn't care. He didn't-

What was he doing? Crying in front of one of Mugman's children. Magenta stared at him in concern.

"Mr.Cuphead? Are you okay?" She said with worry. He held her close. "Yea, I'm fine. Don't worry. Everything is ok." "Are you sure…?""Heh, yes mag, I'm sure." She got up and ran to the kitchen. When she returned, she had a paper in hand.

"Look Mr.Cuphead! I drew you!" She held it up proudly. It was a poorly drawn picture of Cuphead. "How cute!" He took the paper from her and hugged her. He wiped the tears off his face and held her.

At least he knew the Children liked him.

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