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They mad it to kettles home carring their parents. None of them paid attention to what he had did to bring them back.

But there they were.

Standing right infront of them.

"Why did y'all do that?! Y'all could've been killed!" Their mom came running up to them in tears.

"But I killed them! I did it!", " Yes cup, I understand that but you could've gotten hurt." She got down and held onto his face.

"Don't do that again!" She hugged him. "Y'all too. You all went running off." Well to be honest, cup didn't have a scratch or anything on him. But mugs and chalice did.

Mugs had a crack on his face from hitting the ground too hard, Chalice had a rip in her straw from a demons claws.

"C'mon, let's get you two patched up." She said and pulled Mugs and Chalice to the couch.

Joshua walked up to Cuphead. "Hey lil bud, don't take this in too much. She's just saying what's best. She doesn't want you to get hurt. None of us do. Be careful."

Cuphead smiled slightly and hugged him. They both got up and walked over to the others.

"I'm... sorry.... I just wanted to help.." cuphead sadly said. "It's alright, just don't do it again. It's getting late, you all should get to bed."


"What are we gonna do with him?" She said jokingly.

"All we can do is just keep an eye on him. But that's still not gonna stop him From getting into trouble." Joshua replied nudging Nancy.

"Y'all have work to do. I'll take care of them while your gone.", "thanks Kettle, see you soon."

Nancy and Joshua walked out the door. But they shouldn't have ever done that.

Power to The King (Old Version Discontinued.)Where stories live. Discover now