A Deal is a Deal

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"Anyways, I haven't been out in a while, I'ma go take a walk." He said, then walked out of the room. Mugman heard the front door open and shut. He huffed and sat on the bed.

He needed to know what to do. What to do to help Cuphead. But he wasn't given enough information. Only thing he knows is medication. Lots of it. He looked up and sighed.

"If only I'd stayed. It wouldn't be like this. If only I'd stayed. He would be completely fine." He said to himself.

He got up and walked down the hall to his room. It still looked the same. Everything was as he remembered it. He sighed happily and ran to his bed.

He laid down and took a nap until Cuphead got home.


Holly wandered around looking for a place she could rest and write in her journal. She came across a small coffee shop and walked inside. She hasn't seen Cuphead in years, she wondered where and what he was doing. She sat at a table and pulled out her journal.

She started to write. But then someone burst through the door. They ran in and yelled at the person at the counter. She stood up and pulled the guy back.

"What the cuss lady?!" He lashed at her. "I'm sorry, but what did they do to make you so angry? Either way you don't have a right to yell at her."  She said sternly.

"First of all, it's not any of your business. Second, you can't tell me what the hell to do!" He elbowed her in the chest and she let go. It ended up in a fight. She lost.

She ran out and fell to her knees. She cried. Then a familiar voice called out to her. "Hey Tree Princess… are you alright? Ya look a little rough." It was Cuphead. He still looked the same as he was when she last saw him.

Except… tired and sad. He had dark bags under his eyes. Oh God his eyes. They looked dead. "Yeah...I'm fine… what about you? You don't look so well…" he looked down and huffed. "Yes. I'm fine. Don't worry about me. This is about you."

She looked at him and hesitated but she told him what happened. He looked at her and reached out a hand for her to grab.

"C'mon, I'm taking you with me." She took his hand. Then someone came running towards them. "Wait! If Holly is going, I'm going with her!" Alice shoved Holly to the side and glared at Cuphead.

"Alright Feathers,You can come too." Cuphead sighed and started walking. He'd have to get Bendy, Boris and the others later. He didn't want to though. He has no choice. A deal is a deal.

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