"Brother." The princess as well as the rest of the court raise their brow at her cold and indifferent greetings... Their gaze on her made her feel anxious, did she do something wrong? What was she supposed to do? Should she hugged him? But if she does that he might hit her like how their father would if Dae would hug him when she was younger.

"I... I hope that your journey had been easy." She added trying to place some fondness in her tone which she failed terribly.

"You don't need to be so cold to me sister, even though you are to marry the king, you are still my sister... Come give me a proper greeting." Her brother stated with a wide grin before opening his arms. Dae just stared at him.

"You don't need to be shy lady Dae... Go and hug your brother." Princess Roshanne spoke again looking at her, Dae nods her head and slowly approached ber brother, he probably run out of patience because he didn't wait for her to wrap her arms around him, he practically scoop her up and crushed her with his tight hug, while in the man's arm she never once relaxed, her shoulder were stiff. And finally, after that long hug he let go of her, placing her down.

"It would be our pleasure to host you... Please follow us, the king is waiting." Princess Roshanne spoke, but she was not looking at Dae's brother, she was looking at her.

"Of course, it would be my honor." And together the four of them walked inside the palace, Dae did not miss how her brother looked up at the Castle walls made of gold. She had the same reaction when she arrived at Solvira.
The kingdom is more beautiful than she thought it would be, it was grand, it was regal in every aspect, towers and Castles and Houses were build differently, not that she had seen the streets of the Lysos but she knows for a fact that the Kingdom of Solvira, is the most beautiful kingdom, even it's streets are made of bricks and golds, buildings were made of pristine white marbles gilded with gold, it's roof a beautiful color of Azure marbles, in each roof stood the sigil of the empire, the dragon and the sun... Tall towers could be seen all around, t'was taller than the tower she was locked into, and some of them was big enough to house two dragons at once, magic run rampant in the streets, children were free, people wore good clothes, always pristine in color.

"I have never seen such a magnificent castle before." Her brother finally spoke breaking the silence.

"Wait until you see the temples of Solvira." The princess spoke without as much as looking at them.

"The castle was build by our sun gods themselves, it was to represent their holiness and power." It was Alastair who spoke next, he did never bother to hide the arrogance in his tone.

"Ah... Of course, the power... My people often says that you and your people are gods themselves reincarnated in the mortal flesh... Your winged beast is what put you in difference between us and the rest." Her brother replied, his voice was light but Dae knew he was seething inside.

"Your beast gave you the sky and the earth and the sea... But what is the gift of everything when you are all mortal still. Your flesh aren't as impenetrable as the scale of your beast." Dae looked at her brother with wide eyes, he was still smiling as if he just didn't insult the host, Dae turn to look at the princess who was looking at her brother with a look she could not read, while sir Alastair hand was already on the hilt of his sword, was that a threat? Did her brother just threatened them?

"Drakes are dragons too." She suddenly spoke making everyone looked at her.

"They may be wingless, but they also breath flames... My brothers rode the biggest drakes." The princess raised her brow, the frown on her lips suddenly turned upward and she release a laugh that had everyone relaxing.

"Yes they are..." The princess replied before she started walking again.

"In fact we are not the only living dragon lords... The Rivervale had their own, four legged dragons, but smaller than our own. The biggest one they had only grew about the size of a carriage... The northerners as well had one... They have this feather four winged dragons... The isle of the dragons have the weirdest one.... They have long body like that of a snake and Wings, but no feet.... And your kingdom which have the Drakes... Four legged terror and a thorn in our side... Your beast after all has the habit of raiding some villages." The princess stated.

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