Millie throws the pamphlet away before Moxxie tries to snag the paper in his hand. in doing so, he ends up getting tangled by one of the tent's ropes. The tent comes undone and then Moxxie was wrapped by the tent before falling to the floor. He is dejected that he hurt his wife's feelings and now is contempt that his marriage is in jeopardy.

Moxxie: Oh, crumbs…

The episode switches back to Blitzo still searching for his sister along with Max. After a week of endless search, Max and Blitzo has finally come to a demon imp who was told to be selling access to the human world and catches him by the throat. Max slams the dealer against the wall with a very angry face.

Demon Imp Dealer: It's here man, I swear!

Blitzo takes out his signature musket from his back pocket and puts it under his chin to threaten the man into giving him what he wants.

Blitzo: Open it…

The dealer did what he was told and takes out a rare Asmodean Crystal, a rare mineral that has access to the Earth. Blitzo and Max was surprised that a thing existed in the black-market before the dealer activates it. He shoots a beam behind Blitzo and Max and a crystal mirror portal opens up for Blitzo and Max to gain access to the human world. They smile at the sight of the portal.

Blitzo: Thanks, chump.

Max throws the dealer into a nearby dumpster before they enter the portal to Earth. On the other side, Blitzo and Max successfully lands into the human world, unaware that he had just landed in Camp Ivannakummore. They check around before disappearing into the bushes. A stage was setup by the camp counselors to get Millie to perform live.

Backstage, Millie was looking at the crowd with anxiety. She turns around to meet the Lifeguard Dude once again.

Lifeguard Dude: You ready to go on, champ?

Millie: (in a male voice) I guess…?

Lifeguard Dude: Good, now get out there and out Camp Ivannakummore on the Map!

As the crowd cheers grew louder, Millie was now feeling the mood. Her anxiety started to take a toll on her as she takes a deep breath before flipping the curtains to enter the stage. She tries her best to give the crowd the best smile, but it was only a grimace when she looked around for Moxxie in the crowd. However, she does not see Moxxie in the crowd or anywhere in the cheering campers and crowd. Just before she was about to go further, the stage lights turn off and then Moxxie's voice echoes in the microphone as smoke puffs around the stage and the hidden trap door opens on the floor with a spotlight shining on it.

Moxxie: (in a girl voice) Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! Are you ready for a SHOOOOOW?!?

The crowd does not like Moxxie being on the stage and boos at him, flipping him off, and looking at him with disgust.



Despite the absolute backlash for Moxxie, he does not seem to care much about the crowd giving him the intense dislike and proceeds to continue with his announcement.

Moxxie: (in a girl voice) I am very proud to introduce to you *peeks over to Millie, who was now being moved by Moxxie's appearance* Someone with abilities never before seen on this Earth. Someone with the raw athletic skill of an Olympian. (in a normal voice) The voice of an angel. *gestures to Millie as the spotlight now shines on her* The acrobatic technique of an indentured 12-year-old Russian ballerina.

Millie suddenly realizes that Moxxie was confessing to her on stage and drops the smile before making gestures to tell him to stop because the crowd was watching him.

Helluva boss: Moxxie and Millie's sonWhere stories live. Discover now