Chapter 39 : Before the Meeting

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The dinner was over. The three Nacht men had folds on their foreheads as they left the dinning table.

Sienna, Isabel and kids chatted a little and then went to their rooms to sleep.


Ashiel was sitting in his study, reviewing the documents for tomorrow's meeting.

But he was not at all focused.

He was remembering the past. The ridiculous past where he was a moron who never appreciated Sienna. The stupid past where he thought that Loreina was the only one suited to be the ward of Nacht. The dumb past where he, his father and his brother criticized Sienna, without thinking about how she felt.

He gritted his teeth and slammed the papers in his hands on the desk. He was beyond pissed. He poured some brandy into a glass and gulped it down in one go.

'Haa..!' He breathed a sigh.


He heard the sound of door opening. It seemed that Sienna has come back in the room.

He emptied the brandy in his glass and went outside his study.


Sienna came inside the room and went near the closet. She was taking out a nightgown. As she raised her hands to remove the hanger...someone grabbed her from behind.

It was Ashiel.

She was no longer surprised! Ashiel had this habit of sneaking up on her.

"...Just a minute..I have to change!"
She said, trying to break free from his arms.

"No need to. I won't leave any cloth on you anyways!"

"Did you drink alcohol?" She asked him who reeked of alcohol.

"A little."

"It doesn't look like it was just a little!"

It was true.

Usually Ashiel only drank alcohol while having dinner with everyone. His father, Michael and he usually drank wine.

But today in the frustration of remembering the past, he drank almost the entire bottle of brandy.

He thought about it once again.


He did not reply to Sienna.

She understood his silence and once again tried to break free of his arms.

This time he let go. Taking the chance she ran away into the changing room.

Ashiel watched her as she left.


Sienna came back. She went near the desk and pulled out the drawer. She took out a document and checked it. After nodding her head a little she tied the papers and put it inside the drawer again.

"What is that?" Ashiel asked her.

"Oh, these are the rough copies of previous documents I prepared. I revised them just in case for tomorrow."


He was staring at her with countless thoughts in his mind.

She smiled and went to bed.


(Next Morning, The day of the Bureaucratic Meeting)

The maids and servants were extremely busy this morning. Ashiel's servants were helping him getting ready. He wore a black formal suit with navy blue patterns on it. He wore medals on it. His both shoulders had Epaulettes on it. His servants were tightening the cufflinks he wore.

Inside the dressing room, the maids were helping Sienna dress up. Sienna wore a plum red dress which had golden floral patterns designed on it. She wore a purple necklace and earrings with amethysts embedded in it. Ashiel had them prepared for Sienna just for this Bureaucratic Meeting! Sienna's hair were left loose which reached till her waist and the maids tied her bangs with floral ornaments.

Ashiel outside had finished his preparation and was waiting for Sienna. Soon Sienna came out of the dressing room.

Ashiel kept staring at her. He couldn't believe his eyes. In his eyes, Sienna was always beautiful but today, she was glowing more than usual! Her long luscious hair were fluttering, her green eyes were twinkling, her lips had a tint of red on them. Ashiel, who saw her was speechless.

Sienna was looking at Ashiel who was looking at her. And she blushed. Ashiel got up and went near her. Then he grabbed her waist.

The two maids who were still in the room were shocked and surprised at the same time. They quickly bowed down and left. Only two of them remained in the room.

Ashiel slowly pinned Sienna to the wall and buried his lips in her neck. He could smell a sweet scent as she had applied perfume. His hand which held her waist slid towards her back and grabbed the knots of the dress which the maids had tied. He undid them.

"What are you doing?? We have a meeting to attend!!" Sienna exclaimed in surprise.

"Screw it! I want to take you to the bed right now!" Ashiel said and he pulled down her dress a little. Her milky white chest was exposing. He started kissing it.

"Ashiel! Please! Hold yourself! We can do this after the meeting!"

But he did not listen. He sucked her breasts until they were red and nibbled them softly.

"Haa!" Sienna started panting. Not knowing how to stop him, she was in a disastrous situation.


There was a knock on the door.

"Sienna! Brother! Are you guys ready?"

It was Michael.

"Come out already you both!"

Isabel was also with him.

Sienna pushed Ashiel away from her.

She wiped her wet chest with a handkerchief and pulled her dress up. Then she turned her back towards Ashiel.

"Please tie them!"

She was telling Ashiel to tie the knots of her dress. Ashiel tied the knots and softly whispered in her ear,

"I am tying them right now but I will be the one to untie them later!"

Sienna just looked at him. Then they opened the door and went out.

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