Chapter 4 : Hesaros vs Thanatos

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Hakurei village was the last village on the border of the territory of Nacht. Currently Sienna, Lucas and Hestia were about to cross the border of Nacht but an army stopped them from doing so.

It was the army of Nacht led by Grand Prince Ashiel and Young Master Michael.

Both Ashiel and Michael were staring at Sienna who was sitting on the horse and behind her was Lucas.

Seeing Sienna riding horse with a boy close to her age made Ashiel's blood boil. (Bruh you're getting jealous of your own son! ×o×..Well..he doesn't know it yet so let's give him that! :P )

Ashiel and Michael got down from their horses and at the same time Sienna, Lucas and Hestia too got off from their horses.

There was an intense staring match going on between Lucas, Hestia and Ashiel, Michael. Sienna was terrified of the atmosphere that was unfolding before her.

"How did you enter the Nacht castle?" Michael asked both of them.

Lucas and Hestia did not reply.

"Who are you both?" He asked again, this time getting angry.

"It has nothing to do with you." Lucas calmly replied. "We have given you the proof that Sienna did not do black magic on Loreina so there was not need to put her in the dungeon so we took her out of there. Your favorite Loreina is safe so go back to her and leave us be." Lucas added.

'Our favorite Loreina?' Michael gritted his teeth and was about to shout on Lucas but at that time Ashiel intervened.

"The one you are taking away is the ward of Nacht." Ashiel said looking at Sienna who was behind them.


Sienna's heart was beating very fast and she was scared of the situation unfolding before her eyes.

"Ward of Nacht? Don't joke with us!" Hestia shouted. "For ten years you have neglected her, and now when she is finally leaving your sorry faces, you have the audacity to bring her back forcefully?" Hestia said looking at the army the both had brought to get Sienna back.

Ashiel could not reply. He was clenching his fists. He knew all the girl was saying was true but he couldn't accept Sienna going away from them.
He was determined to bring her back.

Ashiel coldly said, "You both. Leave her here and both of you get lost before I get serious."

Sienna gulped. She knew this low tone of Ashiel who only spoke this way when things were about to get real. Behind him, Michael to was getting ready with his sword.

But Lucas didn't budge. He stood like a wall in front of his mother. He could not allow letting go of his mother even if it meant that he has to go against his father.

Ashiel read the atmosphere and replied, "Fine."
And he summoned Thanatos, his named which was the bow of death.

Ashiel held Thanatos and pointed it at Lucas with a threatening aura.

The moment Sienna saw that, she couldn't sit still.

The moment Ashiel was about to shoot Thanatos at Lucas, Sienna shouted,


And at the same time


Flames engulfed Ashiel and Michael and stopped Thanatos from firing an arrow. Thanatos, after getting hit with Hesaros went back to his previous form and the arrow which Ashiel had loaded in it disappeared.

Sienna attacked Ashiel and Michael with restraining magic which blocked their movements for a while.

"For how much time can we restrain them?" Sienna asked Hesaros.

[Uh..for about 30 minutes.] Hesaros replied.

She poured some more magic and then she grabbed both Lucas and Hestia with their arms and started running in the opposite direction.

Lucas and Hestia were surprised to see their mother attacking their father.

"No matter how strong you are, if that person(Ashiel) gets serious, things might go bad." Sienna said as she was running with them while holding their hands.

"That is Thanatos, and if you get hit with it, no matter even if you are a Nacht, you can get seriously injured!" She added.

"After them!" Michael shouted as he commanded the soldiers to chase Sienna.

As soon as the soldiers started chasing them, Lucas shouted and called his named "Hyperion!"

And soon he shot violent magic towards all the soldiers who were chasing them.
The moment Lucas chanted the spell, all the soldiers were restraining on the spot.

[Sienna] Hesaros called.


[Open the garden.] Hesaros told her.

On the way of coming from Nacht to Hakurei village, Hesaros had taught Sienna how to open the garden and world.

"Okay!" Sienna replied and soon opened her garden.

"Let's go Lucas!" She called her son and grabbed his hand.

The three of them went inside the garden and the garden disappeared in an instant leaving behind the Nacht army and the two men of Nacht.

Ashiel was looking at the place where Sienna's garden has disappeared with bloodied eyes.

Sienna ran away.

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