Chapter 27 : Breakfast

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In the morning.

The kitchen of the Grand Duchy was unusually noisy today.

Because today the entire family was going to have breakfast together.

By now the close staff of Grand Duchy knew that the guests they were attending to were no other than the Grand Children of Grand Duke who came from the future. The staff was also aware of the position of Sienna and Isabel in the family.

Those who had treated Sienna badly and had insulted her were secretly breaking in cold sweat. They had decided to earn Sienna's trust and faith by fully serving her as if they can wash away the ill things (such as taunting her, not giving her meals, not giving her medicine, etc.) they have committed against her.

Lest known to them, the Grand Duke was secretly carrying out an investigation to find out those who had abused Sienna in the past and was going to have them removed and punished.


(Inside the room in which Sienna is currently staying.)

Sienna was getting ready to go down to have breakfast, even though she did not want to.

The new maids assigned to her were loyal and respectful unlike in the past where maids harassed her. They were not sweet talking her too much and were diligently doing their work. Sienna really liked their calm attitude.

"I have set your hair, my lady." Marianne, the new maid said to Sienna.

"Thank You" Sienna replied.

"You have to go down now my lady. Everyone has started gathering near the dinning room."
Hannah, another new maid told Sienna.

"Ugh!" Sienna silently groaned.

It was the first time Sienna was officially having breakfast on the dinning table of Grand Duchy.

In the past, only Loreina was allowed to eat with the Grand Duke and his sons. Sienna usually had her meals in her room, quietly. Sometimes she was not even given meals.

Remembering the old times, she sighed.

Seeing the troubled face of their lady, both the maids tried to cheer her up.

"Don't worry my lady. Everything will be alright!"

"Yes ma'am! If you are unable to eat anything with everyone, just take small bites of soup and bread and come back. We will bring meal in your room later so that you can eat comfortably!"

Sienna was relieved by the genuine care of the maids.

She thanked them and left for breakfast.

Fortunately on her way to the dinning room, she met Isabel.


Isabel was sighing.

Sienna who caught her like that said,

"I am so glad you are here with me Isabel!"


Isabel looked back at Sienna and smiled. She too was relieved to see Sienna. Both went to the dinning hall.

Others had already arrived by then and were waiting for both the ladies to come. The kids were chattering with each other making the dinning table noisy unlike the quiet atmosphere it usually had.

"And you know what Grandpa, the moment I subjugated Halberd, I felt as if electricity was passing through my body!"

Hestia was currently telling Grand Duke the story of the future where she subjugated her named 'Halberd'.

"I see." The Grand Duke replied.

"Mom told me she had the similar experience when she subjugated Hesaros. Mom actually called spring in the winter and collapsed on the spot! Well Hesaros is a very powerful named and mom was only 11 at that time!"

"Sienna collapsed?" Grand Duke asked in a very shocked voice.

"Yes. But you carried her in your arms and made sure she rested." Lucas replied.

"Well Grandpa always adores mom like she is his daughter! It can't be helped! Hehe!" Hestia said.

"Is-Is that so?" Grand Duke ask hesitantly.

"Of course! You know what Grandpa! In the entire Nacht, if there is someone who can make you take back your orders, it's mom! You even took back your order of isolating Marquis Parvis on Mom's request!"

"Well he did take care of the Marquis in other way though." Perez said.

"I know. But it can't be helped! She insulted mom! And Grandpa won't ever let go anyone who insulted mom unscathed! Hmph! They deserved it!" Hestia said.

The Grand Duke, Ashiel and Michael were listening to it very carefully. It seemed to them as if things were very different in the future. Especially between Grand Duke and Sienna.

"Are me and Sienna on good terms in your time?" Grand Duke asked.

"Good terms? She is your favorite! Sometimes people wonder if she is your own daughter rather than your daughter-in-law!" Lucas replied proudly.




Three Nacht men were silent.

How was the situation here?

Here, the Grand Duke did not even spare a glance at Sienna, let alone treat her like his ward! All the love and care of Sienna's share went to Loreina in this life.

The Grand Duke was gritting his teeth and clenching his fists but he could not undo what he had done.

At that time, Sienna and Isabel approached the room.

All three of them looked at the both of them, making both the girls flinch.

But Lucas and Perez went running towards their mothers and grabbed them by their hands and brought them on the table.

Sienna sat between Ashiel and Lucas and Isabel sat between Michael and Perez. Hestia and Regina were sitting besides Lucas and Perez respectively and Grand Duke was sitting in the chair of the head of the family.

The Family meal was about to begin.

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