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The whole walk towards the place where the demon should be was quiet and the only sound that was heard was the gentle susurration of the grass rustling in the wind.

It was an eery yet beautiful night with a few clouds out, night sky still being visible to [Name] who stargazed the whole time, trying to find constellations.

Genya was quiet, glancing into her direction occasionally. He picked on his fingers deciding to lift the mood between the two of them.

"So, what's your breathing technique?" He questioned, still fiddling with his fingers seeming quite nervous. He honestly thought he was embarrassing himself in front of her but [Name] found it entertaining.

Her eyes studied him for a moment before answering, "it's curse breathing."

He looked puzzled, crossing his arms, "Curse breathing? Never heard of that."

"It's rare. My brother taught me it. Runs in the family." She muttered, looking down when mentioning her brother. Genya noticed that and didn't want to ask any further not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable. She then turned her head to finally look at him, "What's yours?"

"Oh- I don't have one, actually." He whispered in disappointment. [Name] now fully turned to him, stiffly, a brow raised.

"How come you are able to defeat demons then?" Her gaze wandered down to see a western gun attached to his belt. "Oh. That."

He grabbed it showing it to her, it was a shotgun to which she guess worked almost the same as a nirichin blade.

"How the fuck are you able to kill with that?" Her gaze slowly goes up to his with a perplexed look, waiting for an answer.

Genya pulled out his ammunitions to show her, "it's from the same ore as the blade. It was hard adjusting to it, but it works."

There was one thing he kept secret, but she shouldn't know that just yet.

He gave a small smile, trying to impress her but [Name] just had a vacant look on her face before nodding and continuing to walk. Dumbfounded he saw her waving him over to follow, and he did.

They both arrived in a forest which gave them both an uneasy feeling in their guts. Grimacing at the sight, [Name] couldn't shake off the feeling that something bad was about to happen.

Phenomenon; Genya S. x Reader(ON HOLD$Where stories live. Discover now