Twenty - two | Your Drugs

Start from the beginning

I continue down the empty area until Zain tells me to stop. Putting the car in park and pulling up the hand break. Zain sticks out his hand and I give him a few bills. I watch him get out the car and walk towards a guy who pops out of no where. It startles me and make my heart pump. I look behind em, making sure there is no one watching us. I can't go back to jail. It was worst two hours of my life.

My eyes go back to Zain and the random guy. I would buy cocaine myself since I know most of the places, however I don't trust anyone except Zain to get my supply. I know Zain won't get me another drug and he knows the best plugs. He knows what he's doing.

He might be 34 years old, but he's the most trustworthy 34 year old I've ever met. And he looks awfully young for his age. So if we get pulled over, he can pull of as a dude I go to school with. Hopefully we don't get pulled over.

Soon enough, Zain comes back with two packets of coke. "Now this is good stuff." He shows me his hand and tells me to pick one. I stare down at the packets, admiring the two. They both look equally good. One is a bit whiter, but the other one looks like it has a bit more. I close my eyes, grabbing one and he keeps the other one for himself.

I begin to feel all giddy and excited, like a child on Christmas morning. I immediately pour the powder onto the arm rest, forming three lines.

I close one of my nostrils with my right hand before snorting the powder. I sigh deeply as a rush of exhilaration courses through my veins, electrifying every cell in my body.

The world seems to be colourful and exciting as a wide smile tugs at the corners of my lips. It's in these moments of pure enthusiasm that I realize how truly alive I am. "You couldn't have waited until you got home?" Zain chuckles. Shaking my head, I stare out the window feeling relief.

I adjust myself in my seat before starting the car and immediately feeling like I'm in Fast n' Furious. Switching into gear and pushing in the clutch, I speed off into the street. "What the fuck, Noah!" Zain yells out of surprise.

"My girlfriend is so mad at me!" I yell as I begin to complain about her annoying ass. "She hasn't spoken to me since before I went to Massacutis." I press in the clutch, quickly shifting gears. I'm not sure what cocaine does that it makes me want to go really fast in my car. I'm not an experienced driver. Hell, I've only been legally driving for less than a year now.

Actually, I'm not legally driving. I bought my license and my dad only taught me how to drive automatic when I was 14. I learnt how to drive stick by myself through YouTube.

The tires of my car screech at the quick and tight turns that I take. For a minute there I see Zain's soul leave his body. "I apparently need to buy her something to apologise."

We reach a four way and the light is yellow. I launch myself through, not caring about anything or anyone at the moment. "Buy her jewellery." He responds nervously. I smile to myself, wondering how the hell could I ever afford the jewellery Arti likes. "I know a guy who sells really cheap jewellery. All stolen obviously, but real." As we reach a stop sign, I slam the breaks, jerking my entire body forward. "Holy mother-"

"Give me his number." I hand him my phone to type the number in. Arti better love this gift.

༄・゚࿐ ࿔*:

Zain was right. This is good stuff. And bloody strong.

I'm looking at my hands, watching a tremor work its way across my fingers. I nearly knock over my stack of red solo cups. I'm sitting on the floor in the passage way of my house so I can see how high I can jump.

Noah (Obsessions in Overdrive #1)Where stories live. Discover now