Chapter 2

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It's been two weeks since Alicia last saw Miguel. She missed his company, definitely missed his Spanish accent whenever he spoke those little words and phrases to her.

She realized that the crush that had been developing ever since she met him had been growing steadily with every little encounter they had. She definitely noticed how she looked at him differently, with a moderate amount of wanting for him. But did he even feel the same way? Did he perhaps even felt something remotely close to what she felt for him?
Did he even allow himself to be with someone...?

All these kinds of questions piled up in her mind, distracting her entirely from the task at hand.

Currently, she stood in her living room, seemingly stuck in a trance while she thought of Miguel. The man was on her mind. She had a mop on her hand, pressing her hands against the top of the wooden pole and resting her chin on top of her hands while she daydreamed about her Spider-Man crush. He was probably out there in the city swinging around and saving people...or maybe perhaps he was in the tower he had described before, with the spider society people. She would love to see it, hopefully one day...

She sighed hazily. If it wasn't for the mop tilting to the side and loosing balance against the weight of her chin on it and almost tripping, she wouldn't have come out of her trance.

'Dammit! Stop thinking about him!' She thought to herself, shaking her head slightly before resuming her cleaning duties around the house, with a little bit of  Spanish music playing from her phone that served as a speaker.

She always found ways to keep herself occupied on her free time so she didn't have to think about Miguel. Wether it be cleaning, reading, preparing her meals for the week ahead and—

Knock! knock!

And someone's at the door? Alicia lifted her head, looking over to the front door of her house. "Coming!" She called out, placing the mop to lean against the couch before carefully making her away through the slippery floor towards the door. Upon reaching it, she grabbed at the knob, unlocked it and opened it. At the other side of the door she saw Peter.

"Peter?" Alicia's brows furrowed, confused as to Peter's sudden appearance.

"Hey! Alicia! Buddy!" Peter greeted her with a wide grin. "Can I come in? Great!" He quickly said, not even giving a chance for her to even reply as he waltzed right into her apartment.

"Hey— hey! Be careful the floors—"


She tried to warn him, and now Peter had slipped and fallen onto his back, groaning in pain. "A heads up... would've been delightful you know..." Peter groaned in between hisses as he shifted on the floor, pushing himself to sit up.

"Well, I tried." Alicia said with a quiet chuckle, moving over to help him up. She grabbed at his hands and lifted him up to stand. "What are you doing here?" She asked, letting go of his hands once he had regained his balance.

"Oh. We kinda need your help." Peter casually said, as if Alicia knew who WE were.

"Uh...we? Who's we?" She asked, giving a slight confused look.

"We as in, spider-society." Peter answered her with a grin. "Now come on, we don't have time to waste." Peter spoke, reaching out and taking her by the wrist, casually pulling her out of her apartment.

"Wait wait wait— Peter!" Alicia followed him, but she didn't quite put any resisting or stopped. She knew deep within her that she really wanted to go and see this spider society, and this was her chance to do so. But it worried her what Miguel might think about her sudden appearance there.

Miguel O'Hara / Butterfly EffectWhere stories live. Discover now