Prologue : Finale

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Spider Society Tower - Nueva York 2101 - Earth- 928

"¿Por que...?"

"¿Por que siempre me tiene que pasar esta mierda!?"

The room was dark, eerie and cold. The flashes of red and orange that came from holographic screens at the center of a platform were the only source of lighting in such a vast and almost empty room. And the rest? It was covered by dark shadows of a deep ocean blue.

"Miguel." A small, yellow holographic woman wearing what seemed to be a raincoat and heart glasses appeared hovering above his shoulder. "You know...these things happen..." she said softly, her face with sorrow for her friend.

"Miguel." Another voice, this time of a man who came in walking from what seemed to be the entrance of the room, staring up at the platform. "You said so yourself...cannon events cannot be disrupted—"

"I KNOW what I SAID, Peter!" Miguel turned to look over his shoulder, staring down at Peter Parker down below at the main floor of the room. His eyes were intensely narrowed, as if they could turn into daggers and shoot right out, the wrinkles on his face gave way to the anger he was fighting back from releasing. His eyes, a blood red than his usual maroon. Miguel had to take constant serums every month, to keep his genetics balanced between human and spider. You see, just like every other spiderman, he didn't have a choice to become spiderman, but his...was more brutal than the rest. Constantly balancing between a thin line of sanity, and insanity. From human, to a complete monster...

"Then you remember that cannon events can be good, bad...very bad and...very good." Peter spoke, gentle, softly, holding a baby carrier on his chest with his most prized thing in the world. His child.

Miguel hunched over the console before him. Closing his eyes tightly, teeth gritting and his fangs visible. The anger he was holding in was too much. "ARGH!" With a swift motion, he lifted his two strong and muscular arms, bringing them over his head. His claws flexed before they retracted quickly and his hands balled into fists before he brought them down on the console with such great force that a spark of bolts flew across the console, crashing all the holographic screens down and sending a cloud of smoke up in Miguel's face.

But, he was unfazed by it.

"Miguel!" Yelled Peter.
"Mig!" Called Lyla.

When the cloud of smoke settled, Miguel remained there, staring down at the broken down console before him. He panted heavily, trying to regain back his thoughts and compose himself.

Then suddenly, a single holographic screen came up, right before his face.

It was a scene of an upcoming cannon event. And Alicia was present. His friend, whom he had grown close to.

Miguel's eyes widened at the screen, straightening up his back as the image had captured his full attention. "No..." he muttered underneath his breath, staring intently at the screen.

"Not you too..." he whispered.

Lyla stared at the screen, examining the images she was seeing. It was of the redhead woman. Alicia Starkhaven was the name that the console gave them, and in the scene, they seemed to be at some kind of festivities, but then an explosion happens and everything goes dark. " can't disrupt—" Lyla tried to speak, but was cut off once more.

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