I stared at her, then my clothes, then I grinned sheepishly. "It's Jackson, not Jason." She looked at me and smiled, walking off. She kissed me! Wow! I walked into the bathroom to make sure I wasn't blushing too hard. When I walked in I saw a boy called Ken pinning Exer to the wall.

Ken's friends hovered behind him, snickering. They were actually very popular. Exer had a black eye and a bloody nose. "You are an idiot. Don't go near my friends. You'll infect them with your stupidity." Ken glared and spoke blandly. He had a white button up shirt neatly tucked into slate-grey work pants. He had a olive green tie. Jolie had a boring dress on and very dull makeup. Timothy had a green turtle neck sweater and maroon jeans.

"Hey back off Ken!" I exclaimed, quickly getting in-between Ken and the terrified Exer. "Don't call me Ken. It's Kenneth." Ken glared. Or well, Kenneth. Now people can be stern or serious, but Ken never smiled. He never laughed. He always silently glared and was very serious. He stalked off with his friends.

Exer stared at me and I glanced back. "Are... Are you okay?" I questioned akwardly. Exer just nodded and practically ran out of there. But as he ran out the door he crashed into someone. It was David. Again. David glared and jumped up. "You have a problem with me Camp- are you okay?" David noticed Exer's nose dripping with blood and his black eye.

David's attitude seemed to soften a little. He gently pulled Exer over to a bathroom stall and sat him down. He grabbed some tissue and begin to dab Exer's nose. I left the bathroom.

I started dabbing Exer's nose and he sat there silent and nervous. After a couple minutes I heard a quiet "Thanks." From Exer. "No problem..." I replied just as quietly. "Who did this..?" I asked gently. He hesitated. "Some kid." I nod. A couple more moments pass. "I... I'm sorry for yelling earlier. I'm just having a bad day." I apologize guiltily.

"Why?" He asks, and he looks at me, concerned. Exer's eyes are beautiful. They are hazel with hints of amber. I also see a faint green tinge to his eyes. "Uhm... My dad." I confess. "He's been an ass lately. He's always busy. And he drinks too much."
(I know this story is the opposite, but making William the Asshole a decent person disgusted me. It's like making Jeffrey Dahmer a good guy.)

"Oh... I'm sorry Miller... If it makes you feel better, my dad isn't great either." Exer told me, rubbing his arm in an awkward way. I stared at him. Maybe he wasn't that bad. He was actually kinda cute. Wait what?! No he isn't cute. Definitely not. Nope.

"He's never home. He spends more time with his patients than me. He's gone when I wake up and I rarely see him at night." I feel pity at Exer's words. I put my hand on the side of his face. "It'll be okay."

He goes a bit pink. And his eyes tear up. Shit. Of course I made him cry. To my utter suprise, he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. I was very akward. I hadn't been hugged before. But it was... Nice.

I just stood there stiffly, I didn't know what I was supposed to do. He seemed to sense my confusion and let me go. "Sorry... I should have asked..." he glanced at me then at his knees. "It's okay... I didn't really know what I was supposed to do." I admitted feeling stupid.

"Huh? What do you mean?" His voice softened. "Have you not been hugged before..?" He looks at me with pity when I nod. "Here, I'll show you. First I wrap my arms around you and squeeze, then you do it as well." He stood up and wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed. It was nice. I felt a happy sensation.

"Thanks Exer." I smile at him, and for once, it was authentic. He blushed. "I can... show you how to... kiss... too?" It was more of a question than a statement, and he was trying to be smooth about it, but he failed horribly. I went maroon.

"Nevermind, I shouldn't have asked, that was stupid and-" Exer started ranting but I interrupted him with a kiss. He was warm. And Exer tasted like coffee. Nice. I pulled away and looked at him, rubbing the back of my neck nervously. He opened his mouth to talk but I interrupted with a "Want to go to the roller rink after school?"

Exer grinned and nodded. I smiled back and then proceeded to dart out of the restroom, and I was redder than a fire engine.

Lucy was a dog. Woof.

I had a date. No way. This was rad! And he was super damn cute. I bounced a little in the bathroom stall and left to go to class.



I stood at the entrance to the Rarington Rollers. (That's the name of the rink :)) I glanced at my watch and glanced around for David. What if he stands me up?! No... He wouldn't... I think. Suddenly I feel someone cover my eyes.

"Miller?" I ask, and he lets go and grins at me. "Hey Campbell!" David smiled at me. I blushed. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the rink. We got out roller skates. Mine were neon green, and David's roller skates (to his dismay) were a vibrant violet.
I stood up casually, but he wobbled.

"Here, let me help." I grabbed his hand and led him into the rink. Only a couple people were there, which was good. I made sure I had a firm grip on David and started skating around. He was trying not to fall, and getting the hang of skating.

I let David go and did an elaborate trick to seem cool. It seemed to work, he looked impressed. He spun around really fast and slowly crouched, so he was spinning really low. I was surprised he could do that. David sprung up and grabbed my shoulders.

I almost fell backwards but didn't. David grabbed my hands and started spinning me around. "Oh geez Miller you're going to make me hurl!" I groaned, but I was laughing. He started laughing too, and he accidentally let go of me and I launched backwards and fell on my ass. Again.

He fell backwards and landed on his back, (again), and we both sat up. "S-s-sorry." The reason David was stuttering was because he was trying not to laugh. I started snickering, then he chuckled and soon we were both laughing super hard. It was great! He leaned over and hugged me, and as I wrapped my arms around him, I knew that school was going to be great.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been really busy and tired. But I will try to get back on track. :) Have a great day/night!
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