The boy was young, safe guarded by a senescent couple. Yet even in poverty the couple had taken care of young lad. Preserved his heart from being tainted by the twisted world.

And now the High healer could foresee a beautiful of story of his apprentice's future if he didn't entangle with royalty or the High healer himself.

As much as the angelic healer despised being in close proximity of regal Blue bloods, the assistance he required would need him to be in close proximity to the royals.

The curse was similar and yet not a definite rendition of ordinary curses. It had the intricacy of age old hexes. The ones whose cures are now myths and legends.

The rate at which the curse spread was alarming. And to lift up the curse one must identify it. Or find the potent creator or warlock. But some curses were too intricate to be lifted by a blithe spell or wavy hands. And this one especially indicated that it fell in the latter category.

Nimbly collecting the samples of the ashen earth and the now onyx pond, the duo exited the cursed land.

The sun had travelled west while the high healer had searched the vale for untold stories of anguish in hopes of finding a riddle or clue that unveiled the severity of the hex or it's cure.

The dark shadows had started to fall and yet no sign of the assigned guard could be seen. Dejection surged inside the two figures for completely different causes.

While the High healer mourned to be forced with such a blithe being. The other was dejected at the thought of not being able to see his celubutante.

The angel with hair painted in molten gold could not risk leaving for research without the knowledge of his assigned beloved. Neither could he wait at the cursed valley while night fell with the responsibility of his apprentice's protection on his shoulders.

"Hyunjin you should take the samples to the inn. While I wait for his highness."

"But staying here at night  all alone is not quite safe. As we don't know how the curse effects the land at night."

"I realise little one but I can't have you stay here. I am quite able to protect myself but I can't say I would be able to keep both of us safe if a horde of deadly beings attack us."

"Then why stay here at all. I am sure the prince would understand how perilious the situation is here, if you leave for the inn."

"Oh naive little one, not everything is as simple as we perceive. The prince couldn't care less about me, a shackle of responsibility forced upon him.

But it's not him I fear but rather the kelpie like unscrupulous ministers at his court. Being a High healer at a modest age, and that too a child of a commoner has made me more enemies than the moss left in glistening lake of gold in the city.

The news of me working without the prince would lead to the direct violation of the royal edict. As no one listens to a servant's honestly but they all believe the merchant's lie.

The world of kindness you see little one does not extend to the royal court. There  everyone is for oneself. In royalty there is no love in a marriage neither any loyalty between the folks.

And now your teacher is a direct target and pawn their board of games."

The words rang true and yet felt so foreign to the raven haired lad. His elder, his teacher seemed to have experienced everything that a young fae shouldn't. Is the past that made the High healer into such an inapproachable persona? What had caused the scars so deep that such a young fae had lost all dreams of warmth and love?

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