Part 1

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                       *first day of 11h grade"
i'm so scared for the first day of school... "don't be at all sweetie, if those boys make fun of you tell me and i'll make a phone call to the school!"- isabella's mom said. No mom it's okay! if u do that it'll make everything worse.

                              at school
i walk to my locker and i notice that there is 2 boys getting stuff from their lockers right next to mine. oh no, it's baylen and kyle. they hate me the most! * baylen comes up to me and begins to talk* " what is a nerd like u doing next to my locker" i didn't get to choose where my locker was baylen..
"mhm sure i bet u did because everyone at this school loves u sooo much" baylen said mocking me.
(i just don't get why everyone makes fun of me)
"heyyy Bella!!" hey Sofia...! "oh girl what's wrong was it my bf or was it baylen again?!"
it was baylen.. BUT WAIT WHOS UR BOYFRIEND? "uh maybe Kyle *shrugs shoulders* OMG NO WAY!! Sofia after school can you please give me a makeover so i could at least get my first boyfriend? pleaseeee "ugh fine only because i love u Bella!!" " i wouldn't do this for anybody else" Thank u so much Bella!"

*after school at Sofia's house*
i walk in and say hi and then Sofia begins to say" Please don't be mad but Kyle is here and so is.."
*please don't say who i think she's gonna say*
"...Baylen" Are u serious Sofia! it's whatever i guess just please can u just give me a makeover
"Obviously that's why you're here!"
Baylen notices me and starts whispering to Kyle, probably talking about how ugly my hair is or how annoying i am.
Sofia begins to do my makeover
this was me after the makeover

 Sofia begins to do my makeover  this was me after the makeover

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baylen looks over at me and begins whispering to Kyle.. but this time his face expressions are different like he's not bulling me but more so... never mind that would never happen.
"Omg girl you look SO SO SO HOT! i bet any guy would want you. not saying that in a rude way by the way!" thank you Sofia i've never really heard that from anyone before...
Baylen starts to walk up to me but he looks kinda shy.. he looks like he wants to say something interesting but all he said to me was "what's up" but that was the nicest thing he's said to me in at least 5 years.. we've been going to the same school since 7th grade and he's never said anything other than something about me being a nerd. which i heard a lot but that's besides the point all i could say to him was why are u being nice to me now? and he said "i don't know but maybe me, you, Kyle and Sofia could go get some wings some time, if your down?" i mean i guess only if Sofia wants to. i said in a confused tone.
"yessss i'm down, what day??" Sofia says sounding very excited.
baylen precedes to say" how about tomorrow since it's gonna be saturday?"
Fast forward to the next day* Sofia and Isabella are hanging out getting ready
(i feel something different about baylen, so i think i'm going to tell Sofia, she's my best friend since 1st grade after all)
Sofia can i tell you something..? "Of course Bella you can tell me anything you need to!"
well basically i think i may have a crush on someone.. "OMG WHO BELLA YOU HAVE TO TELL ME!!!" "IS IT... NO IT CANT BE!!"
well... it may be, But i don't know why! i've never felt this way about anyone and i'm especially confused on why i feel this way towards baylen.
"well don't tell Kyle but he is really cute so i couldn't see why you wouldn't besides the bulling" Sofia says. well since we are done getting ready we should probably start driving because it's like 15 minutes away and it's already 2:45 and we are supposed to be there at 3:00!
*they arrive at the place*
Sofia and Isabella walk in and they see Baylen and Kyle already sitting down and they all wave at each-other. The girls both sit down and baylen starts to talk to isabella and he says something she thought he would never say to her in a million years. "Isabella you actually look really nice" then i decide to say back to baylen wow baylen actually being nice to me? that's really crazy. "woah that's harsh Bella! i'm a changed man now." *Bella starts blushing, because he's never called her Bella or said she's looked nice* mhm sure you are.
"well i guess you'll have to see for your self in a couple days" *he shrugs his shoulders in a jokingly way* (i wonder what he means by that.. but i really like him but i just know he'd either mess with me or not feel the same)
While baylen and Isabella were talking Kyle and Sofia started making out. me and baylen say on sync "GET A ROOM PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD THIS IS A PUBLIC PLACE" then baylen says "wow i guess great minds think a like" then he winks at me. (when i tell u he looked so cute today you wouldn't even believe me.. woah what am i even saying right now)


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