Chapter 10 (school shooting)

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Narrator's POV

It's been a couple of weeks since that incident... everything was going really well...


Phil's POV

Australia, Japan, and i... were writing down notes and copying the board.

Sir Uk was writing on the board our lecture, "hey japan!" I called, "hmm?" Japan hummed.

"Have you seen the new episode of pokémon?" I asked, "yeah! Of course! Did you already watch it too?" Japan asked placing the pen down on the table.

"No, not yet because i was too busy" i said, half lying.

*bang(cringe lol)

A loud sound could be heard from outside...

"I'll be back class" the teacher said, he goes out the door, leaving us students alone.

Narrator's POV

A bang could could be heard outside.

In fear, no student dared to go out...

"Guys, i'm scared" canada said with fear in his voice...

"I'll go out" phil said. cautious, he goes out of the classroom...

He peeks, hiding behind a wall.

Phil sees Uk lying dead on the floor...

There, standing was a man dressed in black and a mask covering his face.

"This school will explode" the man evily laughed.

The man pressed the button...

Phil ran up to the man and tried to kill him with a broken piece of shi- glass.


IN THE END... they all died...

They went to heaven and lived hapily ever after!

    _____________THE END_______________

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I make cringe countryhuman vids! :D

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