Chapter 3 (The trip to the Mall)

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A s fbdj s xjencn nx nsj,  skkns sk enebcnla d fk dks dnwn s djsbmabd snwj wjab dbejw s nsbshan wkqosn dbdjskwbaja. Sbhsjabajkabs nfjfovn d jqkskxn xjs sjs jsbshs sjw sh wjakwowd xj xk mal a ajwj s sjsnsnns snkabc zkkana zhjsnsbaj a woqonw djdynd diwbwj sjsnsosmpwn djs sjs ldksbxbx. Dnd nxnx x x. Dbd. G g s h. Ga. S h k d s. J t r. Y 3 f o 6. R.  3. Cn jdbei dnwksk2nsnn

[Idk why i did that]

Start Story


Phil's POV

We arrived to our house and papa asean dropped us off "Kids, i have work with the other organizations. Take care of yourselves don't cause trouble and when a stranger comes don't let them in andddd i won't be home until tomorrow night, ok?" Papa Asean says "Ok" we say together, we then say our goodbyes and head inside.

"I'm going to be in mah room" says Cam, everyone just goes to there rooms exept me, i'll just watch some TV.

After a few hours or minutes or...or... i don't know.

*knock knock knock

Someone knocks, i quickly rush to the door. I was about to open the door, but i stopped myself when i remembered what papa Asean said,

Since no one was here i rush to the kitchen then grab a frying pan and open the door slightly...

I then open the door completely as i hid behind it, a person more country walked inside.

Australia's POV

I was knocking on Phil's door and it opened i look inside, however i saw no one.

Suddenly someone tried to hit me with a frying pan but i doged.

I look at the person who did that and i saw Phil "wait it's me, mate!" I say to Phil, he then looked at me and placed the frying pan down.

"Sorry, i thought you were a stranger" he said "It's ok mate, but would you like to come with me to the mall?" I ask him "The mall?! Of course! I was bored here anyways" Phil exitedly said "Okay! Let's go" i then grab Phil and we both go out the door.

"We walked for what seemed like hours" Phil complained "That's just because your short legs can't walk fast enough, also it's been 10 minutes" i say to the country "hey i'm not short!" Phil says i then look at my new friend and he's red as a tomato. Hehe.

"Neh, You're very short" i say as we kept on walking "Call me short one more time-" i cut Phil saying the word "Short" after that i felt he let go of my hand... i turn to him slowly i felt a dark aura and when i saw the fellow country, i quickly turn the other way and ran as fast as i can and luckly he couldn't catch me and i ran towards the entrance of the mall... i stopped at a restaurant and felt my stomach grumble 'Phil won't mind won't he?' I thought to myself as i approach the restaurant. I was looking at the screen thing that shows pictures of food and i wanted to order so badly, so i went for it.

Phil's POV

I tried to catch up to Aus but he was to fast, and in a matter of no time, he was gone.

"Dang it, i lost that guy" i say to myself as i looked everywhere for him but he was no where to be found. While i was in the mall i saw someone with a blue flag hmm... maybe thata Aus! I quickly run in the restaurant and towards the guy and tap his shoulder. The guy turned around "Oh hello, would you like to see the circus?" He says and it turns out it's a clown with blue paint on his head... i quickly look away from the clown because i'm verrry scared of 'em.

I walked away and then someone tapped my soldier iii mean shoulder hehe, i turn to the person and realised it was Aus "Sorry i was gone mate-" before Aus could continue his sentence even more i started shaking him non-stop "Woah there mate, i need to go get our food" i let Aus go and then the speaker thingy called Aus' number and Aus grabs the food in the counter.

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