Tom Riddle

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Tom Riddle reacts to you getting sick during class and you not telling him

(Honestly Tom would not gaf but we'll go with soft Tom)

You've been feeling a little ill recently. Tom noticed but didn't think anything of it. He first noticed when you came in late for your first class. It was usual for you to sleep in during breakfast, but when you were late he questioned you.

Tom- "Why are you late?"

You-  "I accidentally slept a bit too long. No biggie"

Tom- "don't let it happen again."

You're eyes started to get heavy and you started to feel light headed, so you laid your head on the desk and fell asleep till the end of class.

Tom- "wake up, class is over"

Tom shakes you awake. As you grab your belongings Tom walks out of the classroom

Walking slowly to your next class makes you late again. Tom wasn't in this class but draco and Blaise were.

Draco- "are you okay you look tired"

Blaise- "yeah are you alright?"

You- "yeah I didn't sleep well last night"

After what felt like a decade class finally ended and you got up and went to your next class. Tom was in this class.

After that class you were so tired you just wanted to sleep for the rest of the day. Tom noticed your heavy eyes.

Tom- "what's going on with you?"

You- "nothing I just didn't get much sleep last night"

Tom- "better be that"

After that Tom just ignored it. When lunch came around you weren't hungry so you just sat there with a bun. Eating it very slowly. Soon lunch ended and you made your way to your next class. This class Tom finally had enough. Right as you collapsed in your seat Tom grabbed your arm and pulled you out of class.

Feeling so exhausted you just let him pull you out.

Tom- "who the hell are you and what did you do with my girlfriend"

You- "Tom it's me what do you mean"

Tom puts a hand too your head and give you a disappointed dad look

Tom- "you're burning up come on"

As Tom drags you to his dorm he lays you down and covers you up.

You- "bu-"

Tom- "no stay here I'll have draco get the rest of your classes."

Tom goes and gets a damp cloth and puts it on your head. He hands you a glass of and some cold medicine.

Tom- "get some rest I'll be in the common room if you need me"

Tom leaves the room and eventually you drift off to sleep.

If you get out of bed to go ask for something he will just put you back in bed and get it for you.

The end I hope you enjoyed this I also have another story called "escape the love" if you want to check that out. I don't upload on that very much because I'm not very fond of it but I think it's alright. My stories will be in order how I listed them and let me know if you have any requests or just some ideas. I won't promise that I'll do them right away but I will try my best to get to them as soon as possible.

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