Bonus Chapter 1

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(long chapter)

"girl wake up and learn how to set alarms pleaseee"

someone started shaking me awake. i looked outside and the sky was still insanely dark.

"hyung what time is it"

i said as i sat up and tried to see who was waking me up. it was none other than Han Jisung hyung.

"12 am. Channie hyung's telling us to leave extra early to avoid mobs and traffic as much as possible"

hyung yawned and grabbed my suitcase. i sighed. the airport is only an hour away but we have to avoid all the hassle and stuff.

"wait hyung, hug?"

i asked. he stopped and ran over as fast as he could to give me a tight hug.

"when did my baby sister grow up so much? you're already 16 and you don't sneak in bed to sleep with us anymore"

Jisung hyung said sadly as he let go and messed up my already disastrous hair.

"i'm just old"

i said as i yawned and got up.

"not as old as Channie hyung though"


Jisung hyung laughed nervously and ran to the living room with my suitcase.

i threw on some warm clothes because it's always freezing in the airport. it also doesn't hurt to mention the MAMA awards take place in winter.

"i'm going to the other apartment"

i said to anyone who was listening as i walked to the other apartment. i think i left both my toothbrushes in there.

i unlocked the door and saw Minho hyung attacking Seungmin hyung's butt as usual. i rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

thank goodness Channie hyung told everyone to shower before sleeping. we would've been so late if we didn't.

"morning Lee Felix Yongbok hyung"

i said as i was greeted by the sight of him brushing his teeth. he waved in response and i started brushing my teeth as well.

after all the hassle of getting ready we took our stuff down to the lobby where STAYS AND EVERLA5T WERE ALREADY WAITING 😃😃😃

i love them so much but some fans in Korea don't know what personal space is. it's only 1 am, not to mention Hyunjin hyung hates loud noises so much.

we left our suitcases with our managers and just got into the car as fast as we could, occasionally waving to the fans.

"to Japan we go"

Chan hyung said as he received a camera from the manager. they're about to talk to Talker-ssi again.


Minho hyung screeched. everyone groaned since we're all so tired. dude has energy for once at the worst possible time.

"you. talk to Talker-ssi in a quiet voice"

Chan hyung gave the camera to Minho hyung and went back to sleep.

i tried to sleep too but Minho hyung was right in front of me and talking in a very not quiet voice.

"we're going to Japan to perform at MAMA. there's baby sister. she's performing too"

hyung said as he pointed the camera to me. thankfully i was wearing a mask. i looked dead with the lack of sleep.

"good morning"

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