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Bang Chan's POV
i was walking around the shopping center with Lee Know when i heard a piano being played. it was very messy playing, but it was in a coffee shop so i stopped by to see and to get coffee-

"Hyung there's a little girl sitting at the piano"

Minho pointed at the girl in a cute little fluffy coat trying her best to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with her small hands.

we both looked over at her and watched her play. she didn't seem to notice us looking and kept trying her best to reach the keys. she looked to be about 5ish because of how small she was.

Minho went to go order two iced americanos (i think we're all playing Hyunjins line in our heads) and a chocolate croissant.

i sat down next to the girl. she was very calm and looked up at me with wide eyes.

"you're very good at playing the piano"

i smiled at her to make myself seem friendly. she tilted her head and said,

"i can't speak much Korean" (unlike I.N)

"but my name is y/n" (in Korean)

i laughed as Minho came to sit down on the other side of the girl.

"i can speak English, it's ok"

i reassured her. she smiled happily as her eyes shined, probably because she was in a seemingly foreign country with many who speak limited English. 

"y/n is a nice name. my English name is Chris, and my Korean name is Chan. you can call me whichever you like"

y/n said both Chris and Chan quietly to herself... or so she thought since kids don't know how to whisper very well-


this girl is so cute.

"is she a foreigner?"

i forgot Minho existed oops- and that he can't speak fluent English.

"yeah, she can speak a little bit of Korean. you can introduce yourself in Korean"

he looked relieved and said,

"my name is Lee Minho or Lee Know"

y/n was probably hella confused because Know isn't a common name- that and she probably doesn't know we have stage names.... or that we're idols.


"close enough"

i laughed at them.

"are your parents here?"

i asked her in English. she shook her head and said,

"mommy apologized to me and told me to stay here saying she would come back later. daddy left me and mommy a long time ago".

what in the mother ducking kdrama is happening.. this girls mom isn't coming back any time soon. who leaves a 5 year old here and apologizes🧍‍♀️

i translated for Minho and he understood the situation. we decided to leave her here in case her mom really did come back, but come back when the store closes to see if she's still here. i gave her my chocolate croissant and left.

fast forward to the cafe's closing time 🦭

we passed by the cafe after we finished shopping to find y/n sitting on the bench in front of the cafe. it's the middle of January and she's shivering even though she has a fluffy coat.

"we can't just leave her to freeze when her mom's definitely not coming back. i would take a cat in immediately js-"

i thought for a minute while Minho went to go wrap her in his jacket as a blanket. we just bought more so no one's freezing today 😈

he held her while she started crying. i don't blame her. she's in freezing Korea weather, not to mention in a foreign country in addition to her mom abandoning her.

i called the police to report an abandoned child and they told me they would give her over to CPS.


i asked if i could adopt her without having her put somewhere else.

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