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we made it to the studio just on time. Innie hyung was exhausted after running all the way down the hall.

"hey I.N you can just- why do you look so exhausted?"

Hannie hyung asked as he tried not to laugh at both of our appearances. our hair was a mess and i had two bucket hats on my hands since they almost fell off.

"that's my fault. he was rushing to get us both ready to go in half an hour. don't be mad at him 😞"

i said in order to prevent Innie hyung from getting yelled at. i mean he really did run around the house and halls just because he had to get me ready.

"okok, good job getting y/nnie ready and bringing her here. you both take a seat here"

Hannie hyung said. Innie hyung winked at me as if telling me i did a great job.

Channie hyung and Binnie hyung were monitoring Minnie hyung's singing, but he made sure to wave to us.

i put the bucket hat back on Innie hyung's head and gave him water which he thanked me for.

Innie hyung opened the snacks for me before going to record his parts of the new song.

apparently Channie hyung, Binnie hyung, and Hannie hyung were doing rotations for monitoring, so now Binnie hyung gets a break and Hannie hyung listens.

"hyung, do me a favor and brush y/nnie's hair. i didn't have time to and it got messed up while i was running here"

Innie hyung said to Binnie hyung.

"come here y/nnie"

Binnie hyung patted the space next to him, so i moved over. he started brushing my hair very gently to make sure it didn't hurt.

he put it in a single and simple braid once he was done. i fed him snacks as a token of appreciation, and also because he deserves snacks 😌

"sweet little y/nnie cares so much for her hyung"

Binnie hyung let me sit in his lap and listen to Innie hyung through his headset.

"this song is called God's Menu. remind me to show you the demo later"

he told me. i was listening to Innie hyung recording. i love his voice. it's very emotion filled and unique.

"y/nnnn will you feed me snacks too?"

Hannie hyung came and acted as cute as possible in order to get snacks from me. i laughed as Channie hyung scolded him for not listening, and fed them both chips.

"I.N, try that part again because SOMEONE wasn't listening"

Channie hyung said. he did it again and it still sounded as nice as before.

the door opened and i turned to see Seungie hyung coming in. i heard he has a part where he and Innie hyung sing at the same time.

"y/nnie y/nnie"

he said as he run/walked towards me. he took me out of Binnie hyung's lap and gave me a hug.

"we all want to hear about your day when we go home. promise you'll tell all of us?"

Seungie hyung asked.

"i promisee"

we locked pinkies and Seungie hyung went to go do his part with Innie hyung. it sounded so good and magical.

their voices sounded so much like a lullaby i fell asleep. by the time i woke up, i was sleeping in someone's room.

it looked like Bokkie hyung's room. there were pictures with Bokkie hyung and every single member on the desk.

no one was in the room, so i looked at the clock and saw that it was around 8. i opened the door and walked to the kitchen since i heard talking.

i saw Bokkie hyung sitting at the table measuring out ingredients. i yawned and he looked over at me.

"you're up y/nnie. did you sleep well?"

he asked as he washed his hands and came over to me.

"yeah, your bed is super fluffy"

i said while rubbing my eyes. hyung held my hand and brought me to sit down at the kitchen table and show me what he was doing.

"i'm measuring ingredients to make brownies. wanna help me?"

he asked. i nodded excitedly.

"pour the wet ingredients in this bowl, and pour the dry ones in the second bowl"

hyung said as he handed me the ingredients. i poured them in the bowl very carefully but i guess not careful enough since flour went flying into my face.

"oh no y/n are you ok?"

Yongbokkie hyung said as i watched him try not to laugh. i nodded and flour from my hair went flying all over the place.


Bokkie hyung started wheezing as Jinnie hyung came into the room. he looked at the both of us and slowly backed out of the room.


we started laughing harder and left my hair floury. it'll get dirty later so might as well clean later too. Bokkie hyung started mixing the batter.


Jinnie hyung came rushing into the room again. he was probably playing that one popular game.

Bokkie hyung laughed as he rushed out and poured the batter into a pan. now we wait 🧘‍♀️

Spread My Wings| Stray Kids x F!ChildReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora