Chapter Thirteen ....

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Walking around the premises, Amethyst took a good long look around at all the damage the storm had done and shook her head, as she started picking up all the fallen branches on the ground.

As she picked up the broken shed door and lent it up against a tree, her Aunt walks up behind her and says," Hard to believe this is all from that storm we had last night. Just look at this poor old shed!"

Amethyst turned to face her Aunt, as she told her it could of been worse - they could of lost there roof or something, as the wind was that strong.

" Your absolutely right child, it could have been worse. I guess we were just lucky.... which now makes me wonder how the rest of the people in town are," her Aunt wondered.

So on that note Amethyst stopped what she was doing and decided she'd head in into town too see for herself what damage they got hit with.

Once she arrived in town, she noticed both the bakery and the  Tavern got hit, plus a few other shops.

The owners out the front were busy patching up the broken windows and picking up bits of glass off the ground.

Over in the local park the wind had uprooted some of the trees and some of the embankments looked like they had got washed away from the Heavey downfall they copped the night before.

The place was an absolute mess and in desperate need of a major tidy up.

As she looked around some more, she spotted Pandora standing near what was once the picnic area.

Walking up behind her, Amethyst said,
"Hard to believe that one little storm caused sooo much damage."

Pandora turned around to face her as she said," Oh your definitely not wrong there. I was so terrified and have sworn I felt like our house was going to lift right up off the ground and land us all in Oz, as that wind was mighty powerful."

Amethyst looks straight at  Pandora,trying hard not to laugh at what she just said, but no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't contain it any longer and bursted out laughing as she said, "  All I can picture is  your house flying through the air and you singing, " The wind began to switch, the house to pitch and suddenly the hinges started to unhitch."

Pandora stares at her, as she says," You my friend watch far too much t.v!"

Amethyst than suggested they go and check up on the Ashbluff family and see if they survived the storm.

So off they trudged to check on Echo, Reverie and her family.

Once there, they knocked on the front door and were soon greeted by Mrs Ashbluff.

She lead them both into the lounge-room, as she called out to her daughter's that both Amethyst and Pandora were here.

"So what's brought the pair of you this way? Echo asked as she took a seat next to her sister.

"Oh we're just doing the friend thing - you know, checking up to see how you guys are going after that horrible storm we had last night," both Amethyst and Pandora told her.

Reverie looked at both of them and told them that all they copped out of it was a few tree's ripped out of the ground and two broken windows in the kitchen where a tree had fallen and smashed them.
And that both Tryne and Katio had already tidy up the tree's and now in the kitchen boarding up the window's.

"We've got Katio staying with us for awhile, as the storm didn't go to easy on his house. It actually took his whole roof," Echo told Amethyst and Pandora.

Pandora spins around in her seat as she says," Oh really, that would have been scary as fuck!"

Right at that moment, both Tryne and Katio walked into the lounge-room, nodded their head's and say's," Good morning ladies, nice day isn't it.... considering  all that wind and rain we had last night."

"So how's your place holding up Amethyst? Is there anything your Aunt needs fixing?" Tryne  asked.

Amethyst tells Tryne about her Aunt's garden shed, and he told her to tell her Aunt he'd be there on the weekend to fix it for her.

Amethyst thanked him, than said she had to get going.

As she stepped out the front door, she heard Pandora say," Hey, wait up!"

Amethyst stopped right where she was standing, turned around to face her and said," Oh I forgot you were with me. Well come along than."

Pandora stood glued to the spot, looked at her and said," You forgot about me?  Seriously girl, what's up with you?? And don't you dare trying telling me it's cause you had to get going - cause I know different.
I sensed the slight change in you once Katio walked into the room. I felt your heart flutter and skip a beat."

Amethyst stopped dead in her tracks, spun around to face Pandora, as she told her that was just crazy.

"Call it what you want, but it's the truth. Your heart skipped a beat, I felt it.... You just have to  accept the truth. And the truth is, you like him.... "

Amethyst stares straight at Pandora and  says to her, ' Oh come on now, that's impossible. I don't even know the guy from a bar of soap!"

Pandora smiles and tells her, that maybe the case, but on the other hand how do you explain the fact that everytime he comes within five inches of you... You freak out, faint or run.

"I'll tell you why that is..... It's because you like the man. You like what you see, you find him  extremely hot, sexy and irresistible on the eye....  But because you get all nervous and can't talk to the man, you start panicking. Add it all up Ame and it equals.... You like the man!"

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