Chapter Four....

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In the morning Amethyst woke with no reconnection as to how she ended up in her own bed, let alone who had carried her there.

All she could recall about last night was talking to Pandora, when all of a sudden the hot guy; who's name is Kaito walked over to introduce himself.

That was the last thing she remembers.

"Holly shit.... did I faint?
As that's about the only explanation I can come up with. Talk about embarrassment plus!" she thought.

As Amethyst made her way downstairs, she wondered how many of her friends actually made their way home,and how many crashed at her place.

She also wondered just how many of her friends were waking up this morning feeling like a bear with a sore head.

She could think of three... Briony, Echo and Reverie, as they were really knocking them down like Lollie water.

Just than Pandora comes out of the kitchen carrying a cup of coffee and say's," Hey there party girl.... how's ya head?"

Amethyst just stared at her with a puzzled look on her face as she says," Huh? What do you mean, how's my head.?"

Pandora looks straight at Amethyst and says, "So your telling me, you don't remember fainting when Kaito came over to introduce himself to you?"

Amethyst shook her head as she said," No-way!"

Taking a sip of her coffee, Pandora than says,
"I hate to be the one to say it, but it's true.
You went as white as a ghost, and then the next thing we knew.... you hit the ground. Tryne was the one who carried you back to your room and placed you in your bed."

"How embarrassing. I just want to run  and hide away." Amethyst admitted.

"Don't be so dramatic. So you fainted in front of everyone over a hot guy - big fucken deal.It happened, there's no point in dwelling on it, as it's not going to change shit!"  Pandora said placing her arm over Amethyst shoulder and trying her hardest to cheer her up.

Anyway, once Pandora finished her coffee, she walked back into the kitchen and placed her empty mug in the sink, than walks back out to where Amethyst was standing and tells her that her party was the best she's been to in ages.

Amethyst smiles, nods her head and agrees with her.

And the presents she received from everyone were gorgeous.

There was jewellery, clothing and an oil burner amongst the gifts.

Her Aunt Indigo had brought her a pur white kitten with a black star shape above its right eye; which she ended up naming her Ambrosia.

Stepping  outside, both Pandora and Amethyst went to investigate the aftermath of last night's party.

Holly crap - what a mess!

There was empty bottles and cans scattered everywhere, dirty plates and half eaten food left on tables.

Over near the stage was alot of torn streamers on the ground and on the stage were two bodies flaked out.

One of them was actually curled up around the drum set still holding onto what looked like the remains of his beer.

Amethyst couldn't help but laugh at the poor bloke.

Right at that particular moment, Amethysts Aunt Indigo walks over to where both of the girls had started tidying up and asks them both if they had fun last night.

They both nodded there head yes.

So on that note, Amethyst asked Pandora what she would like to do, and Pandora suggested they'd go for a walk.

So off they marched, not really knowing where they were heading.

They must have walked for ages, before they came to a stream that divided off into two sections.

The crystal clear water looked so inviting.
So Amethyst walked over to the edge of the stream, sat down,kicked her shoes off and dangled her feet in the nice cool water.

She sat there taking in the fresh air and the beauty of her surroundings, when Pandora came over and sat down next to her.

"Beautiful isn't it?"

"Yes it is beautiful and peaceful. I could quiet easily get use to living out here," Amethyst told Pandora.

Pandora croaked her head to the side and literally stares at Amethyst weirdly.

"What? I'm serious," Amethyst states.

Pandora couldn't restrain it and bursted out laughing at her, which only made Amethyst ask her why she finds that so funny.

She says, " I can picture this image of you living in a humble little old shack down by the stream, karting buckets of water back up to the shack everyday and you chopping wood and cooking on an open fire like  Calamity Jane."

Amethyst looks at her and says, " You don't think I can do it, do you?"

" Regardless or not to whether I think you can do it or not, I honestly cannot picture you leaving your Aunt Indigo and her bungalow."

Amethyst knew Pandora was right, but she also knew one day she'd have to make that choice and step out on her own.

So deep in thought, Amethyst hadn't noticed Pandora had moved until suddenly she got pushed.

Splash into the water she went, and all she could hear was Pandora pissing herself laughing.

Trying her hardest  to act all sweet and innocent, she looks down at Amethyst and says,"Oh geez, what happened - did you fall in or something?"

Amethyst looks straight at her and says," Did I fall in or something.... NO BITCH, you just pushed me. I hope you realise that it's on like Donkey Kong!"

Pandora just laughs and tells her to bring it!

So Amethyst being Amethyst, fall's for her trick as she stood up in the water and started making her way back to the bank.

Splash, knocked back down once again in the water.

" Hey, that's not fair, you used magic you cheater."

Pandora stands there playing the innocent card as she says oh so sweetly," Who me? Why I would never do such a thing."

"Yeah as if Pandora."

Anyway, she soon decided to join Amethyst for a swim, and they splashed around like little kids for an hour before getting out and laying on the bank to dry off.

After awhile Pandora sits up and stretches her legs out in front of her. She than takes a quick look around and spots someone walking towards them.

"Um Amethyst, don't look now, but I think we've got company. And I do believe by the look's of it - it's Kaito coming right this way."

As the panic mode kicks in, Amethyst turns to face Pandora and says," No fucken way, this can't be happening!  I'm too embarrassed to front him."

And the next thing Pandora saw was her friend bolting.

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