Chapter Eleven....

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"That voice - I know that voice. Oh please, please don't let it be him," she begged.

But as she opened her eyes and looked up, her worse suspicion was confirmed.

" Oh fuck!" she thought.

The first thing that went through her head was one, she was semi naked, swimming in nothing but her panties,and two, all her clothing just so happens to be scattered all over the ground where Katio happens to be standing with the biggest grin on his face.

Kind of like the grin on the Chester cat from Alice in wonderland.

" Fuck, fuck, fuck!  Seriously, why is he even here? What does he want??     Stuff it, you know what..... I don't give a shit!" she thought to herself.

But as much as she tried to convince herself  she didn't care- she actually did give a shit.

She could feel herself hitting  the panic button and she felt herself  starting to feel light headed. Her eyes started to flutter, and the next thing she knew - she was sitting on the ledge just behind the waterfall.

How she got there, she had no idea.

She just sat there in a daze trying to figure out how the hell she went from one minute being in the water - to now sitting on a ledge behind a waterfall.

It's like somehow she teleported.... 

But that's totally impossible, cause only witches,fairies and elves can do that, and she certainly wasn't any of them.

In the meantime, Katio was standing on the embankment rattling his brains as to what happened.

He called out her name.... But no answer.

The poor guy was besides himself and really baffled as to what took place.

It was like she vanished into thin air....
But he knew there was No-way in hell Amethyst could do that unless of course she had some sort of powers or she was one of them....and he knew she wasn't .

Poor Katio had no idea what to do.

He thought about picking up her clothing, but changed his mind and left them where they were laying, just in case.

He than took another glance around just to make sure he didn't miss anything, than nodded his  head and was on his way.

Amethyst, who was still sitting on the ledge behind by waterfall, sat there wondering if Katio was still there, and wondered what he was thinking.

Surely he'd be just as confused as she was - maybe even lost for words. Who knows?

All she knew was this was weird, and trying as hard as she could to piece together the missing puzzle, she just couldn't work it out.

"Bugger it!" She thought.

"I'm cold, I'm wet, confused as hell and I just want to go home,"she thought.

So she stood up and walked to the right side of the ledge and had a good look around.

Nope, no sign of Katio,so she dived back into the water, swam to where her clothes laid, quickly got dressed,than started to make her way home.

It was right on dark when Amethyst finally arrived home.

As she walked through the front door she was greeted by her Aunt Indigo.

"Oh there you are. A young man named Katio called by not so long ago. He seemed very concerned about your welfare and wanted to know if you got home alright."

Amethyst stopped dead in her tracks, looked straight at her Aunt and asked," Oh really. Did he have anything else to say ?"

Her Aunt looks at her with a concern look on her face as she answers back with, " Why, should he have?  Is there something your not telling me child?"

Amethyst just shakes it off and tells her Aunt there's nothing more to say, as she makes her way to her bedroom to change into something warmer.

Heading back downstairs, her Aunt says," Hey, here's some pumpkin soup. It'll soon warm you up child."

She woofed that down like there was no tomorrow, than went placed her empty bowl in the sink before calling it a night.

She was absolutely warn out from her day and as soon as her head hit the pillow- she was out for the count.

In the morning Amethyst looked out her bedroom window. The sky was tar-black and the large clouds were moving towards her. She heard a tapping on the window and then it became a pitter-patter. People ran for cover outside and umbrellas were opened as the clouds spat out their beads of water. Puddles began piling as the rainfall became heavier. The roofs of the cars danced with spray and Amethyst could hear the murmuring of the rain through the window. It sounded like the buzzing of angry bees.

Picking up Ambrosia, Amethyst says,  while giving her a pat,"Well girl, looks like a cold, wet, miserable day outside. So any sections as to what we can do today?
Oh I know- how about I grab myself a hot chocolate, fed you, than go grab myself a book and catch up on my reading. Sounds like a plan to me."

Ambrosia just purred, loving that idea.

A couple chapters in and Amethyst started to feel restless.

So she placed her book down, headed downstairs, grabbed her umbrella and was just about to head out the door when her Aunt asked where she was going in this miserable weather.

Amethyst told her Aunt that she was bored outta her head and needed some form of excitement. So she thought she'd head over to Pandora's.

Right after the first knock Pandora opened the door and said ," Hi Amethyst,what the flamming heck are you doing out in this crazy weather?"

Amethyst smiles at her friend and says," Cause I'm bored outta my head and was hoping you'd join me in a hot chocolate and donuts down at the local milk Bar. I got something to tell you that's being playing on my mind since it happened yesterday."

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