Chapter Twelve

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Looking straight at Amethyst, Pandora smiled at her as she said that was a damn good idea.

As she grabbed herself a coat and a umbrella off the coat rack, Pandora say's," Okay let's head!"

So off they went down to the local milkbar.

Once there they hung up there umbrella's and went ordered themselves a milkshake.

Taking a seat, Pandora say's,"Okay Ame, so tell me what's on your mind?"

Amethyst takes a minute to gather her thoughts and started telling Pandora all about the other day when she went for a swim down at Fairy Falls.

She told her how she thought she was out there all alone, so she stripped down to only her knickers, dived into the water, but when she came back up, there was Katio standing there starring down at her with a stupid grin on his face.

" Say what?  What on earth made you strip down to your knickers?"

"I was in my work clothes and didn't want to get them wet."

Pandora laughs as she says," Well it's no wonder why Katio had a grin on his face as wide as the Chester cat out of wonderland."

" Hold on, there's more to come," Amethyst told her. 

Than she continued on with what she was  saying.

She told Pandora about how she had started to hit the panic button and how one minute she was in the water and the next thing she found herself sitting behind a waterfall on a ledge with no recall on how she got there.

On hearing this Pandora almost spilt her milkshake everywhere as she spun around to face Amethyst and said," Holly shit what?
Wait up - did you just say you were in the water one minute, panicked and the next thing you knew - you were on a ledge behind a waterfall but haven't a clue how you ended up there. Fuck Ame, that's pretty bizarre."

"You reckon!"

Pandora taken by what Amethyst had told her, looks straight at her and say's,
"Amethyst, you know that's only a power us fairies, elves, etc,etc have, and you obviously
are none of the above."

Amethyst nods her head and tells Pandora she knows that, but how do you explain what happened.

Pandora shrugs her shoulders and says  she has absolutely no idea and cannot explain it, but she can guarantee she's very determined to find out.

They spoke for awhile longer, until Pandora  suggests they head back to her place to watch a movie on this cold, wet, miserable day.

Grabbing there umbrella's, they headed outside and started making there way to Pandora's place.

As Pandora  went to open the front door, she  was greeted by her mother.

"What are you two crazy kids doing out in this cold ridiculous weather? Get yourselves in here this instance and go warm yourselves by the fire before you go catch yourselves a cold," she said urgening them on.

Ten minutes later after warming themselves by the fire, Pandora and Amethyst went sat down in the lounge-room and watched a couple of movies with Briony and Mae.

Not long after the movies ended, Amethyst said her good-byes and headed back home.

As she opened the door, she got a big whiff of what her Aunt was cooking  in the kitchen. Whatever it was, it smelt damn good and she couldn't wait to get her teeth stuck into it.

" Oh it's just you child. I wondered where you had gotten to in this awful weather were having."

Amethyst looked at her Aunt, smiled and said," I thought I'd go catch up with Pandora for a milkshake at the local milkbar, than we went back to her house to watch some movies with her sister's."

Her Aunt smiled back at her and said that sounds like fun,as she continued on with what she was doing.

Around 6 o'clock, dinner was dished out.
It consists of  a creamy mushroom chicken with green beans and mashed potatoes, followed by a bread and butter pudding.

The food smelt and  looked simply delicious, and Amethyst wasted no time in woofing everything down.

Her Aunt Indigo laughed as she shook her head and said," Seriously child, I just don't know where you  put it all!"

After helping her Aunt clean up the kitchen, Amethyst made them both a coffee and they both headed outside to sit on the porch and watch the storm.

Lightning flashed across the sky in ripples, lighting it up like a Christmas tree, and the thunder was so intense you'd swear you could feel the earth move under your feet.

The next clasp of thunder made Amethyst  jump almost spilling her coffee all over herself.

"Shit! This storm is pretty full on Aunty, just listen to that rain coming down by the bucket full. I'd hate to see the damage after it passes," Amethyst said placing her drink down.

"I couldn't agree more, it is pretty aggressive. I just hope we make it through the night without any damages, but by the sound and look of things, I highly doubt it. Just listen to that wind howling," her Aunt said.

Not long after finishing there coffee they both headed on back inside, placed there empty cups in the sink and called it a night.


With the traces of last night's storm long over and done with, Amethyst woken to find a bright sunny day.

As she headed downstairs, she had one thing on her mind, and that was to see if there were any damages done to the bungalow.

Stepping outside onto the porch she looked around and spotted two broken windows, a broken shutter and a few tree branches  scattered over the front lawn.

The bin had even been knocked completely over, but luckily it had nothing in it.

Out the back was a different story altogether.
There were trees knocked  down, the garden shed roof looked like a elephant sat on it and the door.... well that was  completely gone.

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