"Was it all, just a dream?"


After having finally woken up from a dream, Alya finds herself once again in the massive reception hall where she work. Her eyes scans around making sure that the people are real and the floors are real. Paranoia sets in as she hurries herself towards the gate. Even if this is not a dream, she wouldn't want to bump into-


She froze. The same familiar voice she heard almost on a daily basis. The one she thought she could trust, yet she hesitated to trust her with anything. Even if she's her childhood friend.

"Morning Izza." She quickly got through the gate

"Hey Alya! Wait!" She stopped in track as Izza approaches her

"Yes?" She turned around with a forced smile on her face

"I just wanted to......." She trails off before snapping back on track. "Remind you! Yes, r-remind you about your weekly checkup this afternoon. Yes. That's it."

"......I see." Alya turns away. "See you then."

Seeing her back facing towards her, Izza felt something was amiss. That she couldn't help but feel like it was partly her fault.

'I shouldn't have said it.'




Thundering down the hallway, she made her way towards her room past the many ones that are still vacant since it was still early. Reaching to the door with her name engraved on the name plate, she scans her left palm to gain entry. Once it granted her access, she storms in and slams the files she had been carrying with her. The chair withstood the force of her sitting down harshly. Her breathing spirals out of control as she enters into a panicked state.

"What is this? Make it stop. Please."

Heaving in and out frequently, finally after some time she manages to calm down. Regaining her composure is key in her job as a HANDler as part of her emotions could be felt by others if she isn't careful. Facing the screens, she wears her communicator like she always do.

"Initialize neural link. Synchronization target-"

She stopped halfway when she heard a soft beep meaning someone is connected to her. She felt the presence of the person on the other side, since she already is familiar with the presences of everyone in the squad, this is the only one she isn't completely familiar with yet but she knew who it was.

"Good morning, Huntsman."




Standing just outside of the hangar were a slim figure looking far into the distance. His age is in the late teen years meaning he's only a few year short before officially becoming an adult. Right besides him were his rig designed to withstand the intensity of real combat with maximum agility but minimum armour. Though he didn't mind sitting and piloting the high mortality rate machine.

'It's almost time.'

Beside his head were his own communicator device but smaller one. It could only sync with voices unlike the ones the handlers usually used which could also sync up with their visions as well. A neural link is needed for this to happen so the device is simply embedded underneath their skins for stronger connection. Waving his hand once over it, he simply thinks of the name of the person he wanted to synchronise to and a soft bleep indicates him that he is indeed connected to the right person.

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