-|[Some thousand years after]|-

347 1 3

<{POV Seth}>

Seth had never had the opportunity to meet with his nibling before.

Maybe because he is in bad terms with his siblings, because yes his siblings are married to each other If you ask him that is just an insane thing to do, just because even science has proven problems that could this bring to the future generations, he is the witness of that,
His family is from old money, that are descendants of the governance of Egypt, and are the owners of the biggest part of all the oil refineries there two, they also own a lot of museums filled with their ancestor's stuff.

He considers it something disrespectful, the fact that they rather put things from their ancestors inside a cristal at a museum than inside the sarcophagus of themselves then they could take their belongings to the other life.
But what can he do, after all; If it is found that the ones that used to be the pharaohs of Egypt are lacking in money it would make them the be ashamed before the others influencing families of the country

Back to the starting point, about his sibling's marriage, he can't complain about it himself because he is married himself to his sister Nephthys but it isn't because he fell in crazy love with her,

His marriage is the consequence of a bad drunkenness, which totaled in after being kicked out of his parent's residence.

  The last thing he remembers from then is that he went to a bar and the world began to be blurry and then nothing

He wakes naked with an equally naked woman's body aside from him only to realize, she is his older sister Nephthys.

Yes, even when he is not on the same page as his parents, even when he is a science man who left the religion and beliefs of generations, even when he isn't in love with his sister, even when he knew that he wasn't ready to raise a child, he married.

He admits that it wasn't the worst marriage, they learned how to stop looking at each other like siblings rather than a couple, and to the moment their baby was born they were like any other family that's ready to establish.

But that didn't last long, he didn't feel like having a family like that, the idea of being with his sister was repulsive, and every time Nephthys tried to initiate something he refused;
Things like this are supposed to create a sort of empty feeling in a couple.

All this was the style of life he was taking during four extremely long years of marriage.

When his son was just three he decided to separate and asked for divorce.

But Nephtgys just refused, if they divorced he would ask for the custody of Anubis, and with his position in the company of the family, he would get it; because that's another not written rule of the family, women are supposed to take care of the house and the servants to ensure all is pretty at the moment the husband opens the door after a day of work; Nephthys didn't have a job and that's terrible because Seth would have to give her a pension to survive her and his son, this turns the flavor of the court to Seth.

Seth is pretty sure that this fact doesn't compare to the one that is Nephthys not having the support of the family, because "Seth is a traitor and Nephthys is the ex-wife of this traitor, she is the one that decided be on his side"

Nephthys didn't take that long to take her cards over the table, a divorce is a candle and more of you are talking about this family, but isn't more scandalous everyone finding out that "the son of a siblings-marriage" is not the son of this one but the son of the wife and her other, the oldest, brother that is also supposed to be happily married to his wife?
Seth didn't find it that amusing when he found out but he was between the sword and the wall. I

Seth didn't divorce during two years of a miserable married couple, but the way he treated others just never was the same as before, with his son, his wife, his brother, and even his older sister who just was a victim and she never was to find out that.

It wasn't three years after this perchance that he took all Osiris had from him just as he did from Seth. The "perchance" wasn't revealed to the world, because that would affect him rather than Osiris, and be the laughingst and be the laughingstock of all Egypt?

As an act of pure rage, he sent some men to take care of his beloved brother, who was also the owner of the family's company as it was his inheritance from their father, who is still alive but retired.
When he was rejected by his family, Osiris kept him under his wing and gave him a mediocre position in the company, worth neither his title nor their blood relation.

They sent those men to take care of him, not to actually kill him, but at least give him a long enough time coma or incapacitation so he could take charge of everything that Osiris once owned.

The only thing he didn't expect of all this was a very pregnant Isis coming to him for help,

And he did the first thing that he thought of; he offered her to be his bride and take care of the family and the descendants of this one together. What seemed like a great idea to him; since Osiris lived sightlessly and he and Nephthys weren't on the best terms, he and his other sisters could take care of the entire family and the company; not to mention that Isis did have their family good side turned to her and he could benefit from it like a lot.

After that he just remembered he had fallen in for the hunger for power, Isis running away with her child to, who knows where? that he didn't care to hurt his family in the process, and he felt lonely.

So, as conclusion, he doesn't know who his nephew is, or if he is even alive, then when someone, an old family friend, asked him about him didn't know how to answer and instead of the truth, he just said his nephew was doing well...

Well, since his nephew is actually a man, maybe if it were in another life where things went better than this one, this nephew of his and his own song could even be friends.

Author's notes:
Oookey, it took me longer than I expected to finish this, but the thing is that I wanted to make a one shot about Seth and Horus but I get so caught in the setting and the back story of all this that I just ended up making a Flashback of it,🥲

At the end I was just trying to make what I originally thought fit into this backstory then all makes sense but it would take me millennials then and I wouldn't be updating for forever, then I decided update this part and maybe in the future continue with the part that I'm most interested about 😏, if you know what I mean of course.

I'm open for requests for the continuation of this one shot if you have some ideas. 🙏
While my mind think of something I will be updating other mini fanfics.👍


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-|[ENNEAD SHORTS]|-By RouzXyChan Where stories live. Discover now