𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 | 𝟎𝟕

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We were just friends. Best friends. Nothing more then that.

Of course it would be a bloody lie to not admit that Evie was damn attractive, long wavy brown hair, eyes that were featured in every man's wet dream, pouty lips and a figure that I couldn't help but notice when we got back from summer this year.

These thoughts were some that I pushed into the deepest darkest crevices of my mind, I had undeniable whorish tendencies, every girl that I'd ever wanted I had at some point gotten.

Evie though, she was untouchable, unattainable.

I think that made me want her even more, the game of push and pull, cat and mouse always intrigued me and Evie was the biggest mouse in my life.

We constantly flirted, bantered and sometimes I had the strong urge to bend her over a desk. It was the sort of thing that would make me go mad with lust if it were another girl.

But this was Evie, so it made me question every single thing I knew.

For once in my life I needed to think with my head and not my dick.

I pushed the thoughts away, they weren't productive, and besides, I had just woken up next to another girl and Evie was definitely fuming at me for cockblocking her last night.

"Theo?" A soft voice calls from the stairs that lead up to the dorms, I instantly recognize it as Daphnes, while Pansys voice is sassy and sardonic, Evies is firm and strong willed, Daphnes was soft.

I turn to glance at her, flashing her a smile, "What're you doing up so early?" I question.

Daphne chuckles and motions to the nightmare of a common room still before us, "The house elves like me, and we need to clean up before Snape sees this." She hums.

Nodding, I contemplate my next question.

"So.." My voice trails off, "How mad is Evie?"

The brunette next to me sighs and pats my shoulder, "I think you'll escape unscathed," she admits quietly, "Evie was fairly drunk, I doubt she'll remember a lot of it,"

Before I could stop it, a breath of relief escapes me, "I really don't know what came over me." I tell Daphne truthfully, raising my hands in defeat.

"Hmm," Daphne hums, her eyes twinkling with something as if she knew something I didn't before she shrugs.

We fall into a comfortable silence for a while, trying to clean up as much as possible before Daphne calls in the house elves.

"Hey Daph," I say, "I'm going to go shower before everyone starts waking up, see you later?"

Daphne nods with a smirk, "Good, you reek of sex and hufflepuff." She hums before walking out of the common room.

I chuckle quietly at Daphne's comment as I walk out of the room towards the bathroom.

I stand under the shower, the warm water washing away my sins.

I usually liked to keep my drunk hook ups to a minimum, something about fucking someone who I haven't really talked to bothered the little moral compass I had but I couldn't really say no to a hufflepuff with her legs spread wide open.

𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧 - 𝐭.𝐧Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz